Decorah FFA Presents Awards During Annual Program

Submitted by: Morgan Moen, Decorah FFA Reporter

The 85th annual Decorah FFA Awards Program was held in the Decorah High School auditorium on Thursday, March 24th, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. Approximately 300 guests were in attendance, including parents, family members, community sponsors, business leaders, and members. The Conduct of Meetings Team consisting of President Elora Schnitzler, Vice-President Hunter Quandahl, Secretary Austin Helgerson, Treasurer Jordan Sims, Reporter Derek Tieskoetter, Sentinel Rashell Lippe, and Advisor Kiele Eberling officially opened the awards program.

Chapter Vice President Grace Gerleman welcomed everyone in attendance. The 2021-2022 officer team then presented Greenhand FFA Degrees and Chapter FFA degrees.  This year’s Greenhand FFA Degree recipients include Caiden Bruns, Kiele Eberling, Logan Frye, Kaid Headington, Austin Helgerson, Blaine Leidahl, Rashell Lippe, Hunter Quandahl, Elora Schnitzler, Jordan Sims, and Derek Tieskoetter.

The 2021-2022 Chapter FFA Degree recipients include Brooke Anfinson, Cade Averhoff, Annika Brynsaas, Olivia Christopher, Brody Courtney, Camren Darling, Braunwyn Darrington, Bryss Ehrie, Dahlyn Headington, Christopher Larson, Anders Lovstuen, Creed Monroe, Travis Nordheim, Jeramiah Rediske, Claire Schutte, Kayleigh Smith, Grace Stortz, Ciara Wedmann, Kolton Werges, Olivia Wyatt, and Mara Wyatt.

Chapter Sentinel Brendan Hunter then awarded the leadership awards to members who successfully served as leaders within the chapter by serving as an officer and/or a committee chairperson. Members receiving leadership pins for completing their first year of service include Cade Averhoff, Braunwyn Darrington, Annica Hansen, Alex Irwin, David Kreitzer, Maggie Lovstuen, Justin Nierling, and Dalton Zidlicky.

Members recognized for more than two years of leadership service to the chapter include Kyleigh Batterson, Brittney Ehrie, Karter Einck, Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Dalton Hemesath, Brendan Hunter, Melia Kruse, Rachel Mikkelson, Morgan Moen, Brayden Reiser, Chezny Ryant, Hannah Schnitzler, Sage Wedmann, and Addison Wemark.

Chapter Assistant David Kreitzer introduced the members who had perfect meeting attendance this past year. These members include Caiden Bruns, Annika Brynsaas, Olivia Christopher, Brody Courtney, Brittney Ehrie, Karter Einck, Dylan Elsbernd, Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Dalton Hemesath, Brendan Hunter, Alex Irwin, Melia Kruse, Anders Lovstuen, Maggie Lovstuen, Landen Marlow, Morgan Moen, Creed Monroe, Travis Nordheim, Hunter Quandahl, Jeramiah Rediske, Chloe Reiser, Jordan Sims, Gavin Sims, Emmit Stemper, Grace Stortz, Derek Tieskoetter, Sage Wedmann, Addison Wemark, Kolton Werges, and Dalton Zidlicky.

Kyleigh Batterson and Addison Wemark presented scholarship pins and certificates to all of the Decorah FFA members who made the honor roll this past year. Members receiving this honor and a pin include Bridget Bentley, Doug Bentley, Kiele Eberling, Austin Helgerson, Kallie Mincks, Justin Nierling, Elora Schnitzler, Jordan Sims, and Dalton Zidlicky.

Members receiving a scholarship certificate for being on the honor roll multiple years include Brody Anfinson, Brooke Anfinson, Cade Averhoff, Kyleigh Batterson, Lacie Bjergum, Annika Brynsaas, Olivia Christopher, Brody Courtney, Braunwyn Darrington, Brittney Ehrie, Karter Einck, Dylan Elsbernd, Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Dahlyn Headington, Dalton Hemesath, Brendan Hunter, Alex Irwin, Ryan Johanningmeier, David Kreitzer, Melia Kruse, Anders Lovstuen, Maggie Lovstuen, Rachel Mikkelson, Morgan Moen, Creed Monroe, Travis Nordheim, Jeramiah Rediske, Brayden Reiser, Chloe Reiser, Chezny Ryant, Carter Schmelzer, Hannah Schnitzler, Claire Schutte, Gavin Sims, Kayleigh Smith, Emmit Stemper, Grace Stortz, Ciara Wedmann, Sage Wedmann, Addison Wemark, and Mara Wyatt.

Creed Monroe presented the Academic Achievement Awards. The senior academic awards are awarded from the Iowa FFA Association and are presented to the seniors with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. Recipients who received a certificate and a medal include Karter Einck, Dylan Elsbernd, Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Dalton Hemesath, Brendan Hunter, Ryan Johanningmeier, Melia Kruse, Brayden Reiser, Gavin Sims, Emmit Stemper, and Sage Wedmann.

Morgan Moen and Hannah Schnitzler recognized this year’s members of the month. Members selected to be honored for their FFA accomplishments include Melia Kruse, Ryan Johanningmeier, Brittney Ehrie, Addison Wemark, and Olivia Wyatt.

Chapter Vice-President Grace Gerleman presented the top five fruit sales awards after announcing the chapter had sold a total fruit sales amount of $52,946.00. Members receiving fruit sales awards include 1st– Gavin Sims, 2nd– Brittney Ehrie, 3rd– Braunwyn Darrington, 4th– Cade Averhoff, 5th– Morgan Moen, 6th– Karter Einck, 7th– Melia Kruse, 8th– Brody Courtney, 9th– Travis Nordheim, and 10th– Kaia Franzen.

The Decorah FFA Letter was presented by Brody Courtney. In order to letter, members must be an active member in FFA and the community. This year twenty-eight members lettered in FFA: Brody Anfinson, Kyleigh Batterson, Lacie Bjergum, Brody Courtney, Brittney Ehrie, Karter Einck, Dylan Elsbernd, Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Annica Hansen, Dalton Hemesath, Brendan Hunter, Ryan Johanningmeier, David Kreitzer, Melia Kruse, Anders Lovstuen, Landen Marlow, Rachel Mikkelson, Morgan Moen, Creed Monroe, Brayden Reiser, Chezny Ryant, Hannah Schnitzler, Gavin Sims, Emmit Stemper, Sage Wedmann, Addison Wemark, and Carson Wemark.

Each FFA member has a requirement to keep records on either a job placement, agribusiness ownership, or a livestock or crop project. Members then submit their record books for evaluation. Kaia Franzen announced the top record books for each class. They include senior Dalton Hemesath, junior Morgan Moen, sophomore Jeramiah Rediske, and freshman Jordan Sims.

Brendan Hunter presented the Star Greenhand award to Rashell Lippe. He also presented the Star Chapter Farmer award to Melia Kruse, the Star Agribusiness award to Creed Monroe, and the Star Chapter Placement award to Grace Gerleman.

Anders Lovstuen and Creed Monroe congratulated this year’s proficiency award winners. This year’s chapter proficiency winners include the following: Grace Gerleman (Agriculture Education), Travis Nordheim (Agricultural Mechanics Repair and Maintenance), Justin Nierling (Agriculture Services), Jeramiah Rediske (Beef Production-Entrepreneurship), Dalton Hemesath (Dairy Production-Placement), Sage Wedmann (Equine Science), Karter Einck (Poultry Production), Brittney Ehrie (Small Animal Production and Care), Addison Wemark (Swine Production-Entrepreneurship), Morgan Moen (Swine Production-Placement), and Kaia Franzen (Veterinary Science).

Creed Monroe thanked the senior class for all their leadership over the years and congratulated them on all their accomplishments. This year’s 2022 Decorah FFA seniors who were recognized include Brody Anfinson, Lacie Bjergum, Brittney Ehrie, Karter Einck, Dylan Elsbernd, Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Annica Hansen, Dalton Hemesath, Brendan Hunter, Ryan Johanningmeier, David Kreitzer, Melia Kruse, Landen Marlow, Kallie Mincks, Brayden Reiser, Gavin Sims, Emmit Stemper, Sage Wedmann, and Carson Wemark.

Chapter Treasurer Sage Wedmann shared how Dalton Hemesath and Karter Einck were such influential people through not only FFA but also everything they did with their leadership skills and positive attitudes.

Grace Gerleman presented the Star FFA Alumni and Supporters awards to Paul and Janet Hunter, Keith and Brenda Kreitzer, Brandi Lange, Jeremy Franzen, Bill Wedmann, and Kelly Sorenson.  Kaia Franzen then joined Grace Gerleman to recognize the 2022 Friends of Agriculture Award Recipients Betsy Ratashak-Vogel and Keith Bruening.

The 2021-2022 Chapter officers then presented the Honorary FFA Degree. The Honorary membership is awarded to any farmers, school superintendents, principals, members of boards of education, chapter advisors, teachers, staff members in agricultural education, business people, and others who are helping to advance agricultural education and the FFA and who have rendered outstanding service. They may be elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting or convention. This year’s recipients were Matt Hemesath, Mary Hemesath, Ryan and Michelle Einck, and Myles and Connie Gerleman.

Chapter Advisor Joni Bruvold thanked all the volunteers and individuals who have supported the chapter throughout the last year. Following Ms. Bruvold’s speech, the newly formed Decorah FFA Alumni and Supporters officer team came to the stage to provide background information on this new organization.

After watching the year in review video, introduced by Sage Wedmann, the new officer installation took place before the banquet was adjourned. The 2021-22 officers installed the following 2022-23 officers: President – Dalton Hemesath to Creed Monroe, Vice President – Grace Gerleman to Brody Courtney, Secretary – Karter Einck to Addison Wemark, Treasurer – Sage Wedmann to Anders Lovstuen, Reporter – Kaia Franzen to Morgan Moen, Sentinel – Brendan Hunter to Hannah Schnitzler, and Assistant Officer – David Kreitzer to Kyleigh Batterson. The newly elected officer team thanked the retiring officer team and the 2022 Decorah FFA senior class for their leadership and dedication to the organization. The officer team performed the closing ceremonies and concluded the banquet with the Pledge of Allegiance.

2022 Best Record Books Sims Rediske Moen Hemesath
2022 Decorah FFA Best Record Book Winners:
(l-r): Jordan Sims, Jeramiah Rediske, Morgan Moen, and Braden Hemesath accepting on behalf of Dalton Hemesath
2022 Decorah FFA Friends of Ag Award Recipients
2022 Decorah FFA Friends of FFA Award Recipients (l-r) Betsy Ratashak-Vogel and Keith Bruening
2022 Decorah FFA Honorary FFA Degree Recipients
2022 Decorah FFA Honorary FFA Degree Recipients (l-r): Matt Hemesath, Mary Hemesath, Connie Gerleman, Myles Gerleman, Michelle Einck, Ryan Einck

2022 Decorah FFA Letter Winners
2022 Decorah FFA Letter Recipients:
Row 1 (l-r): Melia Kruse, Kyleigh Batterson, Rachel Mikkelson, Chezny Ryant, Anders Lovstuen
Row 2 (l-r): Karlie Einck on behalf of Karter Einck, Morgan Moen, Brody Courtney, Sage Wedmann, Lacie Bjergum
Row 3 (l-r): Keagen Einck on behalf of Karter Einck, Annica Hansen, Creed Monroe, Brayden Reiser, Addison Wemark, Hannah Schnitzler
Row 4 (l-r): Kaia Franzen, Brittney Ehrie, Braden Hemesath on behalf of Dalton Hemesath, Ryan Johanningmeier, Landen Marlow, Gavin Sims
Row 5 (l-r): Brody Anfinson, Grace Gerleman, Dylan Elsbernd, Brendan Hunter, David Kreitzer, Emmit Stemper, Carson Wemark
2022 Decorah FFA Senior Academic Achievement Award Recipients
2022 FFA Academic Achievement Recipients:
Row 1 (l-r): Braden Hemesath on behalf of Dalton Hemesath, Karlie Einck on behalf of Karter Einck, Melia Kruse, Brayden Reiser, Gavin Sims
Row 2 (l-r): Keagen Einck on behalf of Karter Einck, Dylan Elsbernd, Kaia Franzen, Emmit Stemper
Row 3 (l-r): Sage Wedmann, Grace Gerleman, Brendan Hunter, Ryan Johanningmeier
2022 Decorah FFA Star Alumni and Supporters Award Recipients
2022 Decorah FFA Star FFA Alumni and Supporters Recipients:  
Row 1 (l-r): Paul Hunter, Janet Hunter
Row 2  (l-r): Brandi Lange, Jeremy Franzen, Bill Wedmann, Kelly Sorenson, Brenda Kreitzer, Keith Kreitzer
2022 Top 5 Fruit Salespeople Moen Averhoff Darrington Ehrie Sims
2021-2022 Decorah FFA Top 5 Fruit Sales (l-r): Morgan Moen (5th), Cade Averhoff (4th), Braunwyn Darrington (3rd), Brittney Ehrie (2nd) and Gavin Sims (1st)
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2021-2022 Decorah FFA Proficiency Award Winners
Row 1 (l-r): Kaia Franzen, Sage Wedmann
Row 2 (l-r): Karlie and Keagen Einck on behalf of Karter Einck, Brittney Ehrie, Addison Wemark, Morgan Moen
Row 3 (l-r): Grace Gerleman, Travis Nordheim, Justin Nierling, Jeramiah Rediske, Braden Hemesath on behalf of Dalton Hemesath
2021 22 2022 23 Decorah FFA Officer Teams 2
2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Decorah FFA Officer Teams:
Row 1 (l-r): Morgan Moen, Anders Lovstuen
Row 2 (l-r): Kyleigh Batterson, Hannah Schnitzler, Brody Courtney, Creed Monroe
Row 3 (l-r): Addison Wemark, Grace Gerleman, Sage Wedmann, Kaia Franzen
Row 4 (l-r): David Kreitzer, Brendan Hunter

Decorah FFA Chapter Performs Well at State

Submitted by: Morgan Moen, Decorah FFA Reporter

The Decorah FFA competed at the 94th Iowa FFA Leadership Conference on April 11th and 12th at Iowa State University in Ames, participating in six contests. Twenty-four Decorah FFA members attended this year’s conference, including Kyleigh Batterson, Annika Brynsaas, Brody Courtney, Kiele Eberling, Brittney Ehrie, Dylan Elsbernd, Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Brendan Hunter, David Kreitzer, Melia Kruse, Rashell Lippe, Anders Lovstuen, Morgan Moen, Creed Monroe, Travis Nordheim, Jeramiah Rediske, Hannah Schnitzler, Kayleigh Smith, Sage Wedmann, Ciara Wedmann, Addison Wemark, Mara Wyatt, and Olivia Wyatt.

Results on State Qualifying Events

Sage Wedmann, the 2021-2022 treasurer of the Decorah FFA, submitted the Decorah FFA treasurer’s book for the state evaluation. The book received a gold rating and was awarded as the state runner up. Wedmann was recognized on the main stage and was presented with a plaque.

Karter Einck and Grace Gerleman submitted the Decorah FFA secretary’s book. The book received a gold rating and placed 3rd in the state evaluation. Gerleman accepted the plaque on the main stage during the first general session.

The Parliamentary Procedure Team consisting of Annika Brynsaas, Brody Courtney, Anders Lovstuen, Creed Monroe, and Kayleigh Smith demonstrated the proper use of the gavel and following parliamentary procedure. The team received a silver rating.

State Ag Skills Career Development Event

The Farm Business Management team­–Dylan Elsbernd, Brendan Hunter, David Kreitzer, and Sage Wedmann–received a gold rating. This career development event is designed to provide the students an opportunity to display their agricultural knowledge and skills in the area of farm management.

The FFA Greenhand Quiz was taken by Kiele Eberling and Rashell Lippe. This is a quiz based on members showcasing their knowledge about the FFA organizations. Eberling received a gold rating, and Lippe received a bronze rating.

The poultry evaluation team, consisting of Travis Nordheim, Ciara Wedmann, Mara Wyatt, and Olivia Wyatt, received a silver rating. The team evaluated different classes of poultry products and took a poultry management examination.

The Decorah FFA also had members who earned individual awards and degrees. The Iowa FFA Degree is the highest honor a member may receive from the state. FFA participants who qualify have completed the three-circle model’s minimum participation requirements: SAE, FFA, and Classroom/Laboratory. This year three members of the Decorah FFA received this honor: Brittney Ehrie, Melia Kruse, and Morgan Moen.

Proficiency Awards

Decorah FFA had two finalists for their proficiency this year. Dalton Hemesath placed second in Dairy Production Placement, and Kaia Franzen placed second in Veterinary Science. Hemesath’s proficiency was recognized during the second general session, and his plaque was accepted on his behalf by Decorah FFA member Brody Courtney. Franzen was recognized during the third general session for her proficiency. These awards are based on supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs) and the skills developed through these experiences.

Additional Contest Results and Activities

The Decorah FFA Chapter received 14th place, earning a gold rating and qualifying for nationals, in the National Chapter Award Program. The National Chapter Award program is a contest designed to encourage chapters to plan activities and carry them out with a successful program. Chapters are recognized for outstanding achievement in the areas of student development, chapter development, and community development. Grace Gerleman accepted the award on behalf of the chapter during the second general session.

Members also took part in a variety of events that took place throughout the Iowa FFA Leadership Conference, and they attended the career show. Morgan Moen played the oboe in the state FFA band. Creed Monroe and Addison Wemark served as the chapter’s delegates and attended the state FFA association’s business session. 

4.10.22 4.12.22 SLC Decorah FFA
Row 1 (l-r): Melia Kruse, Annika Brynsaas, Rashell Lippe, Brody Courtney, Jeramiah Rediske, Creed Monroe, Anders Lovstuen
Row 2 (l-r): Brittney Ehrie, Morgan Moen, Ciara Wedmann, Olivia Wyatt, Mara Wyatt, Kyleigh Batterson, Addison Wemark, Kiele Eberling
Row 3 (l-r): Dylan Elsbernd, David Kreitzer, Brendan Hunter, Sage Wedmann, Kaia Franzen, Grace Gerleman, Hannah Schnitzler, Travis Nordheim, Kayleigh Smith
4.10.22 4.12.22 SLC Decorah FFA Treasurers Book Wedmann with plaque 2
Sage Wedmann received 2nd Place at state in the FFA treasurer’s book competition.
4.10.22 4.12.22 SLC Decorah FFA Secretarys Book Einck and Gerleman 2nd place Gerleman with plaque
Grace Gerleman (pictured) and Karter Einck received 3rd place at state for the FFA secretary’s book. 
4.10.22 4.12.22 SLC Decorah FFA Iowa FFA Degree Moen Ehrie Kruse
Morgan Moen, Brittney Ehrie, and Melia Kruse (left to right) received their Iowa FFA Degrees at the State FFA Leadership Conference in Ames.
4.10.22 4.12.22 SLC Decorah FFA Franzen 2nd place vet science proficiency
Kaia Franzen received 2nd place at state in the veterinary science proficiency.
2nd Place Dairy Production Placement Proficiency Dalton Hemesath B. Courtney accepting 2
Dalton Hemesath received 2nd place at state in the dairy production placement proficiency. Brody Courtney accepted the plaque on stage at the state FFA leadership conference on Dalton’s behalf.

Dalton Hemesath received 2nd place at state in the dairy production placement proficiency.  (See photo above)

Twelve DHS Students Earned Distinguished Honors in Math Contest

Twelve Decorah High School Students earned distinguished honors in the 2021 High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM). Earning a Meritorious designation and an invitation to participate in the 8th International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (IM2C) is the team of Grace Gerleman, Lauren Johnson, Anya Lovstuen, and Ruby Sullivan. Earning a designation of Honorable Mention are the teams of Jacob Magner, Daniel Skrade, Ethan Stravers, and Max Wilson; and Justin Berlage, Peter Essa, Nathaniel Myers, and Henry Weis.

A total of 705 teams, with up to 4 students each, from 303 schools and 20 countries/regions competed in the 2021 HiMCM made possible by the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP). All teams worked at their own schools within the contest window of November 3-16, 2021. Each high school team chose from two modeling problems offered and then constructed their solutions. The judges were impressed with all the teams’ creativity and ingenuity in mathematical modeling as well as their ability to explain their strategies and problem-solving techniques in clear terms.

COMAP commends schools for their efforts. Decorah High School had a total of 31 students participate. Earning recognition as Successful Participants include Ella Grouws, Kathryn Kelly, Sally Laybourn, Hayley Stowe, Elayna Hook, Reid Kuehner, Aidan Nalean-Carlson, Brenna Parker, Lucas Arendt, Gabriel Hiner, Simon Kutz, Anders Lovstuen, Caden Branum, Cody Carolan, Mason Cote, Nathan Swarbrick, Lange Betts, Erik Hjelle, and Haywood Stowe.

Sponsor Allysen Lovstuen remarked, “I am proud of all of the students who participated. This contest requires interdisciplinary thinking; and the students demonstrated strong problem-solving, critical thinking, research and writing skills. That we had so many students willing to take on this challenge speaks highly of them.”

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Participants in the 8th International Mathematical Modeling Challenge (l-r): Ruby Sullivan, Grace Gerleman, Lauren Johnson, and Anya Lovstuen 
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2021 High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM) participants: 
Front Row (l-r): Kathryn Kelly, Lauren Johnson, Grace Gerleman, Anya Lovstuen, Ruby Sullivan, Ella Grouws
Middle Row (l-r): Sally Laybourn, Hayley Stowe, Aidan Nalean-Carlson, Elayna Hook, Brenna Parker, Ethan Stravers
Back Row (l-r): Anders Lovstuen, Henry Weis, Justin Berlage, Cody Carolan, Nathan Swarbrick, Peter Essa, Lange Betts, Nathaniel Myers, Caden Branum, Reid Kuehner, Lucas Arendt, Simon Kutz, Gabriel Hiner, Mason Cote, Max Wilson, Jacob Magner, Erik Hjelle, Haywood Stowe, Daniel Skrade

2022-2023 School Registration Now Open

Online enrollment for the upcoming school year is now available! This process replaced the paper forms sent home at the beginning of each school year. You will use the Decorah PowerSchool Parent Portal to access the Registration. 

How do I get started? 
Visit and follow the returning student registration process.

From the Parent Portal:

  1. Select the student you wish to register along the top
  2. Select the Student Registration Icon on the left side for 2022-2023.
  3. Agree to the terms and conditions
  4. Select Begin Forms

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If you aren’t able to retrieve your login credentials using the “Forgot Username or Password?” link on the Sign In page, please contact your school directly for assistance logging into the Parent Portal.

Do I have to answer all the questions? 
No, but some questions are marked “Required” and must be answered before you can submit your form.

What if I make a mistake?
If you would like to make a change prior to submitting the form, you can either navigate back to the page using the “Prev” and “Next” buttons, or if you are on the Review page select the underlined field.  If you have already submitted the form you will need to contact your student’s school so they can make the changes for you.

I’ve completed the form, now what?
Once you have finished entering your information select “Submit.” This will send all of the information you’ve entered to the school. If you cannot select this button you will need to make sure that you have answered all required questions. Please remit all registration fees to the appropriate school. The registration process is not complete until the required registration fee has been paid.

What if I have more than one student in the district? Do I need to do this for each child?
Yes, you will need to provide information that is specific to each child.  We recommend that you complete and submit one form and then start another. This will allow you to “snap” (or share) selected family information, which saves you time.

Help! I’m having technical difficulties.
For technical support, visit our PowerSchool Community help center or click “Help” from any form page.

Decorah Middle School Writers Win Awards

To promote the love of writing, Decorah Middle School 8th graders have organized a series of writing contests open to all students at the school. In March, students in grades 5-8 wrote and submitted original “spring” poems and “adventure” short stories. Winners were recently announced at the monthly assembly and include Naomi Kutz, Kelbi Schuman, Poppy Bellrichard, Leah Garcia-Prats, Brandi Nehls, Natalie Holthaus, Harper Novak, Charley Courtney, Keegan Joyce, Ayla Low, Olivia Quam, Jillian Volz, Charlotte LaBelle, Jordyn Roberg, Grace Stockman, Danika Mueller, Carson Bohner, Keaton Nalean-Carlson, Miles Sullivan, and Lawrence Christman. Not pictured is Naomi Pedlar.

To honor their spring writing, all winners received a gift certificate to Whippy Dip.

DMS March Writing
Winners of the DMS March Writing Contest: 
Front Row (l-r):  Naomi Kutz, Kelbi Schuman, Poppy Bellrichard, Leah Garcia-Prats, Brandi Nehls, Natalie Holthaus, Harper Novak, Charley Courtney, Keegan Joyce, Ayla Low

Back Row (l-r): Olivia Quam, Jillian Volz, Charlotte LaBelle, Jordyn Roberg, Grace Stockman, Danika Mueller, Carson Bohner, Keaton Nalean-Carlson, Miles Sullivan, and Lawrence Christman. 

Not pictured is Naomi Pedlar.   

Brad Hurst, Jr. Named Next Principal of Decorah High School

Brad Hurst, Jr., has been selected as Decorah High School’s next principal.  Hurst has been an Associate Principal at Mason City High School for the last four years, supervising special education services and managing and aligning systems of support and intervention.  Prior to his leadership role at Mason City High School, Hurst was a science teacher at Waukee High School, at Johnson High School (where he served as a teacher leader through Iowa’s Teacher Leadership and Compensation program), and at East High School in Des Moines.  He holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership, a Master’s Degree in Secondary Science Teaching, and a Bachelor of Science Degree from Drake University.  He has served in a variety of leadership roles throughout his career in education.

Superintendent Mark Lane shared, “After a thorough search and interview process, I am proud to recommend Mr. Brad Hurst to serve as our next Decorah High School Principal. Brad has a distinguished career as a teacher and leader. I am confident he will work collaboratively with DHS staff, students, and our community to continually improve our services.”

“I am humbled and excited to have been chosen to serve as your next principal at Decorah High School,” Hurst remarked. “The Decorah Community School District has a legacy of academic, athletic, and musical excellence that speaks for itself. Decorah High School is consistently ranked at the top or near the top annually in the state of Iowa.  A large part of this success is due to the leadership, vision, and tireless support that your current principal, Kim Sheppard, has given to the students and staff of Decorah High School over the last 21 years. I would be remiss if I did not take an opportunity to properly thank her for her service and for building the bridges to help make Decorah High School what it is today. As your principal, I plan to invest a lot of time right away in getting to know each of you and in learning more about the systems, people, and traditions that have contributed to Decorah’s greatness. Thanks to all of you for this opportunity. Go Vikings!” 

A 1997 graduate of Crestwood High School, Hurst looks forward to returning to the area with his wife Shelley and daughter Holly.

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NeNew DHS Principal Brad Hurst, Jr. with his daughter Holly and his wife Shelley.

Five DHS Envirothon Teams Qualify for State Contest

Establishing a new school and state record for number of participants from one school, 50 students from Decorah High School recently competed in the regional Envirothon contest held on the Upper Iowa campus in Waterloo. Five of the ten Decorah teams finished in the top 15 of the 43 competing teams from across Iowa, earning the right to compete at the state contest to be held on May 2nd at the Jester Park Nature Center in Granger. The team that finishes first on May 2nd will represent Iowa at the international contest to be held July 24-30, 2022 at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

Envirothon is a five-member team competition for high school students, testing their knowledge of natural resources. Whether in the field or the classroom, students are challenged to use their knowledge and critical thinking skills to conduct hands-on investigations, solve real-life scenarios, and answer written questions covering five categories: Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, Wildlife, and Current Environmental Issues.

The Carnivorous Chickens team of Sylvia Sandhorst, Amelia Wadsworth, Lily Sandhorst, Margret Zook, and Chloe Sheffield­–and the Decorah Nerd Republic (DNR) team of Anders Lovstuen, Simon Kutz, Conner Evelsizer, Libby Phillips, and Gabriel Hiner finished with identical scores, placing them second at the regional competition. Following close behind, the Skabush team of Peter Essa, Nathaniel Myers, Nathan Swarbrick, Henry Weis, and Justin Berlage finished in third place. The Langers team of Benson Newhouse, Erik Hjelle, Lange Betts, Max Wilson, and Beau Newhouse finished in seventh place. The team of Cooks’ Critters–Aiden Nalean-Carlson, Ellen Rooney, Nadia Johnson, Alex McGohan, and Mairi Sessions–finished in eighth place.

Even though five other Decorah teams did not finish as one of the top fifteen qualifying teams, they still performed well. Coach Larry Berland remarked, “I cannot express adequately how much I enjoy working with the Envirothon students. The number of participants and their results indicate an awesome display of our Decorah students’ concern and awareness of their natural environment around them. Living in this community is advantageous for these students because so many parents and residents model excellent stewardship of their surroundings. I want to thank all the administrators and teachers in the district who have helped develop these fine students. The students’ success is directly proportional to their never-ending efforts.”

The local Envirothon is sponsored by the Conservation Districts of Iowa along with a generous sponsorship from the Winneshiek County Conservation Board and director Barb Schroeder.

IMG 5108
The Carnivorous Chickens Team placed second at regional competition. Photo ID (l-r): Sylvia Sandhorst, Chloe Sheffield, Margret Zook, Lily Sandhorst, and Amelia Wadsworth

The Decorah Nerd Republic (DNR) team placed second at regional contest.  Photo ID (l-r): Anders Lovstuen, Conner Evelsizer, Gabriel Hiner, Simon Kutz, and Libby Phillips.

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The Skabush team placed third at regional contest.  Photo ID (l-r):  Nathaniel Myers, Justin Berlage, Henry Weis, Peter Essa, and Nathan Swarbrick. 

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The Langers team placed seventh at regional contest.  Photo ID (l-r): Lange Betts, Beau Newhouse, Erik Hjelle, Max Wilson, and Benson Newhouse.

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The Cooks’ Critters Team placed eighth at regional competition.  Photo ID (l-r): Alex McGohan, Nadia Johnson, Aiden Nalean-Carlson, Mairi Sessions, and Ellen Rooney.  

DMS Fifth Graders Pay It Forward

Fifth graders in Sarah Nowack’s class recently learned the value of giving to others through the program Project Jack, which originated in the Quad Cities area in memory of Jack Lindaman, an energetic, positive boy who passed away at the age of six from spinal muscular atrophy. The project gives 4th and 5th graders the opportunity to pay it forward in any way the class chooses. Nowack applied for and was awarded a $250 grant to be used toward an altruistic project. 

Nowack’s class brainstormed many ways they wanted to pay it forward and ultimately decided they wanted to express their gratitude to their local law enforcement, fire department, and first responders.  Students found out in January the grant application was approved and got to work planning how they would carry out the project.  The students chose to make care packages and provide treats for the Decorah Police Department, Winneshiek County Sheriff’s Department, Decorah Fire Department, and local first responders.  

Students helped shop for the supplies, wrote letters to each of the officers, assembled the care packages, and delivered the care packages and treats. They enjoyed visiting with the officers during the delivery phase of the project, revealing their curiosity by asking many questions.  

Through this project, students in Nowack’s class learned the importance of community, service, and giving back to those who serve and protect. They also cultivated skills in cooperation, teamwork, and even calculating unit pricing and shopping on a budget.

Fifth graders in Sarah Nowack’s class recently learned the value of giving to others through the program Project Jack, which originated in the Quad Cities area in memory of Jack Lindaman, an energetic, positive boy who passed away at the age of six from spinal muscular atrophy. The project gives 4th and 5th graders the opportunity to pay it forward in any way the class chooses. Nowack applied for and was awarded a $250 grant to be used toward an altruistic project. 

Nowack’s class brainstormed many ways they wanted to pay it forward and ultimately decided they wanted to express their gratitude to their local law enforcement, fire department, and first responders.  Students found out in January the grant application was approved and got to work planning how they would carry out the project.  The students chose to make care packages and provide treats for the Decorah Police Department, Winneshiek County Sheriff’s Department, Decorah Fire Department, and local first responders.  

Students helped shop for the supplies, wrote letters to each of the officers, assembled the care packages, and delivered the care packages and treats. They enjoyed visiting with the officers during the delivery phase of the project, revealing their curiosity by asking many questions.  

Through this project, students in Nowack’s class learned the importance of community, service, and giving back to those who serve and protect. They also cultivated skills in cooperation, teamwork, and even calculating unit pricing and shopping on a budget.

With Project Jack, Lindaman’s memory and loving spirit will continue on through the good deeds of children. It is sponsored by the REALTOR® Foundation of Iowa.

With Law Enforcement 1
5th graders in Mrs. Nowack’s class with Sheriff Marx, Deputy Hageman, Assistant Police Chief Parker
With Fire Department 1
5th graders in Mrs. Nowack’s class with Fire Engineer Ode
Class With Care Packages
5th graders in Mrs. Nowack’s class with the care packages they made for the Decorah Police Department, Winneshiek County Sheriff’s Department, and local First Responders

With Law Enforcement 2
5th graders in Mrs. Nowack’s class with Police Chief Smutzler

DHS Musicians Perform Well at Solo and Ensemble Music Festival

The Decorah High School Music Department participated in the Iowa High School Music Association Solo and Small Ensemble Music Festival on Saturday, March 26 at Decorah High School. Other schools participating were Crestwood High School, Independence High School, Oelwein High School, and Waverly-Shell Rock High School. This is an adjudicated festival in which students receive one of five division ratings for their performance: Division I “Superior” rating, Division II “Excellent” rating, Division III “Good” rating, Division IV “Fair” rating, or Division V “Poor” rating. The ratings are based on a point scale.

It was a successful day for the DHS Music Department. Each judge is allowed to present one “Outstanding Performance” award for the performance they deem to be the most superior of the day. There were six judges overall in the vocal, orchestra, and band categories, with three of them awarding this prestigious honor to DHS musicians. Students were accompanied on piano by Mary Beth Bouska, Chris Hadley, Nicholas Shaneyfelt, Denise Wegge, Anne Wilson, Jana Vorvick, Xiao Hu, and Miko Kominami.

Those receiving “Outstanding Performance” awards includeElias Vorvick, Euphonium; Madrigal Singers; and Simon Kutz, Cello. 

Those receiving a Perfect Score include Elias Vorvick, Euphonium, and CC Junior Quartet–Michael Njus, Gareth Sweet, Jake Magner, and Max Wilson.

Division I – Superior Ratings:

Solos (total: 46)

Flute: Jenna Hartz; Clarinet: Rebecca Anderson; Alto Saxophone: Brenna Parker; Trombone: Elias Vorvick; Bass Trombone: Elias Vorvick; Euphonium: Ruby Sullivan, Elias Vorvick; Tuba: Mairi Sessions, Elias Vorvick; Snare Drum: Alex McGohan; Timpani: Alex McGohan, Mara Pankow; Mallets: Evan Bryce, Natalie Goodner, Alex McGohan; Mixed Percussion: Aidan Nalean-Carlson, Kassidy Steines;Piano: Gabriel Hiner;Violin: Elsa Johnson, Gabriel Hiner, Arlo Hayes, Adrian Huang; Viola: Cedrik Beiwel; Cello: Simon Kutz, Ada Lovelace; Bass: Ezra Vorvick, Sally Laybourn; Soprano: Kealy Hines, Elayna Hook, Sally Laybourn, Ada Lovelace, Gwen Thompson; Alto: Ella Grouws, Jenna Hartz, Alex Kane, Haley Stowe, Rorie Wiedow; Tenor: Caleb Krieg, Dylan Muhlbauer, Michael Njus, Libby Phillips, Haywood Stowe, Gareth Sweet; and Bass: Gabriel Hiner, Jake Magner, Daniel Skrade.

Ensembles (total: 33)

WE Woodwind Choir, WE Brass Choir, Percussion Choir, Trombone Duet: E. Vorvick & M. Wilson; Tuba Duet: E. Vorvick & Sessions; Percussion Quartet (McGohan, Nalean-Carlson, M. Pankow, Kassidy Steines); Percussion Octet (Bryce, L. Chamberlain, Goodner, Hines, McGohan, Njus, M. Pankow, Kassidy Steines); String Duets: E. Johnson & Thompson, R. Zilka & Stahl, Grouws & Christman, Huang & Hayes, Clement & Dlhy; String Quartet (Christman, Grouws, Stravers & Lovelace); 9/10 Grade Chamber Orchestra; Reverie Chamber Orchestra (Beiwel, conductor); At the Purchaser’s Option Chamber Orchestra; Vocal Duet: Hiner & G. Thompson, Njus & D. Skrade, Njus & M. Wilson, S. & L. Sandhorst, Madrigal Singers, CC Chamber Singers, VC Chamber Choir, 9th Grade Chamber Choir, 9th Gr. Treble Clef 9 (A. Hanson, G. Jones, G. Thompson, R. Kane, Kamryn Steines, Wemark, Blikre, Brodbeck, Sheffield), VC Treble Clef 10 (E. Hook, Kipp, R. Suhr, Walker, B. Hanson, Storhoff, Valkosky, Kelly, Pritchard, Hayley Stowe), CC Treble Clef 9 (Campbell, Irwin, Lange, Hageman, L. Johnson, R. Wilson, Koryn Bakken, Redenius, Tweten),  CC Treble Clef 12 (Dlhy, M. Krieg, Laybourn, Grouws, Lovelace, S. Sandhorst, Buresh, A. Kane, A. Skrade, Hartz, Stahl, Wiedow), VC Bass Clef 5 (Evelsizer, Phillips, Hiner, Stammeyer, Weis), CC Bass Clef Quartet (Njus, Muhlbauer, Ostlie, Jacobsen), Junior Bass Clef Quartet (Njus, Sweet, Magner, M. Wilson); Senior Bass Clef 10 (McCain, Haywood Stowe, B. Hook, Muhlbauer, Berns, Folkedahl, Ostlie, D. Chamberlain, Eichinger, Jacobsen), Junior Bass Clef 7 (Njus, Sweet, Magner, Brickley, V. Merritt, D. Skrade, M. Wilson).

Division II – Excellent Ratings:

Solos (total: 31)

Flute: Emma Humpal; Clarinet: Mikael Havens; Baritone Saxophone: Grant Zilka; Trumpet: Oliver Brummel, Aitor Cuevas, Greta Jones, Andy Kruger; Timpani: Caden Branum, Michael Njus; Mallet: Kealy Hines, Beau Newhouse; Mixed Percussion: Jerald Thompson; Piano: Gwenyth Thompson;Violin: Sophia Christman, Sylvia Sandhorst, Ramsey Zilka, Kinsey White, Ella Grouws, Lydia Monreal, Gwenyth Thompson; Viola: Ethan Stravers, Annalise Skrade; Cello: Riley Wilson; Soprano: Sydney Kipp, Margret Zook; Alto: Riley Wilson; Tenor: Connor Evelsizer; Bass: Oliver Brummel, Nolan Jacobsen, Ezra Vorvick, Max Wilson.

Ensembles (total: 18)

SB Woodwind Choir; SB Brass Choir; Clarinet Choir (Anderson, Havens, K. Holland, Keefe, Kleiner, Lange, Mtisi, K. Walter); French Horn Trio: (L. Sandhorst, Kamryn Steines, Wadsworth); Low Brass Ensemble (Sessions, Sullivan, Eli Vorvick); Mallet Duet: McGohan & Kassidy Steines; String Duets: Monreal & A. Hanson, Stravers & C. Kowitz, R. Wilson & Lovstuen, Olson & L. Holland, Karmyn Bakken & Blikre; S. Sandhorst & Lovstuen; String Quartets: (M. Holland, Dlhy, L. Johnson & M. Krieg), (G. Thompson, E. Johnson, Karmyn Bakken & Blikre); CC Chamber Choir, 9th Gr. Treble Clef 10 (Downing, E. Johnson, Zook, Karmyn Bakken, Bentley, Goodner, Hines, C. Holland, Northup, Wadsworth), CC Treble Clef 8 (Alberts, Bruening, Schwarz, Christman, Lovstuen, Rooney, Henriquez, N. Johnson), 9th Gr. Bass Clef 10 (C. Krieg, Kruger, Coppola, L. Hook, Beau Newhouse, Brummel, L. Chamberlain, J. Thompson, Sovern, Ezra Vorvick)

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