Press Release: Consumption of Beer/Wine on Closed Streets During Nordic Fest


Decorah City Manager

Press Contact: Travis Goedken, 563-382-3651


Consumption of Beer and Wine on Closed City Streets During Nordic Fest

Decorah, IA (July 25, 2024) – This press release is intended provide clarification to misinformation heard in the public.  The City of Decorah recently updated the Municipal Code of the City of Decorah to allow for the possession and consumption of alcoholic liquors on a closed city street, by resolution of the city council.

A resolution was adopted by the city council to allow the possession and consumption at Nordic Fest.  The resolution limits the possession and consumption to within the designated beverage garden area; which remains the same as previous years.  The Nordic Fest Board has worked closely with the Decorah Police Department to ensure the beverage garden be clearly marked and monitored.

The City of Decorah is dedicated to maintaining a safe and enjoyable event for all.  Wishing a Happy Nordic Fest to all this weekend!


This is an official city press release.  Modifications of any kind are prohibited without express written consent of the author.  Any reprint or broadcast of this information must include this entire communication.

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Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting -July 22,2024


Pledge of Allegiance
9:30 a.m. Michael Kueny – County Engineer
Re: road updates

9:50 a.m. Miscellaneous
– Accept, file, and publish Treasurer’s semi-annual report
– Set Public Hearing for Storlie/Bohr/Novilla rezoning request
– Northeast Iowa Response Group agreement
– Discuss/Act on Compensation Board

10:15 a.m. Andy Van Der Maaten – County Attorney
Re: legal questions regarding agenda & other issues

Consent agenda: approve minutes, approve claims, accept and file departmental reports, approve liquor licenses, approve fireworks permits. Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed as a regular agenda item upon the request of any Board member.

Community Services Building Updates
Committee reports

The Rural Waste Survey

Registering: Please scan, or enter the link provided, to register for the rural waste survey. The online form will ask for some basic information that will help the County determine how many County citizens use the program.

Disclaimer: The information collected will only be used by Winneshiek County IA and solely in conjunction with the Rural Waste Collection System.

Since the system uses your license plate number for verification, you may need to enter multiple license plate numbers, either initially or by re-registering. Note: Only the plate number, your name, and address are required when registering.

How the System Works: When you dispose of your waste, the site monitors will enter your license plate number. The system will then associate your license plate number with your registration information and this data will then give decision makers insight into who and how much the collection system is utilized.

Thank you for participating. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the County, using the information listed below.

Call 563-277-5288 and leave a message with your name and number.


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Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – July 15, 2024

Pledge of Allegiance
9:30 a.m. Karen Schluter
Re: Middle Calmar Rd comments

9:40 a.m. Michael Kueny – County Engineer
Re: road updates

10:00 a.m. Miscellaneous
– Letter of Support for Dry Run Trail grant
– Discuss/Act on Compensation Board

10:15 a.m. Andy Van Der Maaten – County Attorney
Re: legal questions regarding agenda & other issues

Consent agenda: approve minutes, approve claims, accept and file departmental reports, approve liquor licenses, approve fireworks permits. Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed as a regular agenda item upon the request of any Board member.

Community Services Building Updates
Committee reports


Twin Trees



General Notice

City of Decorah (Owner) is requesting Bids for the completion of the following Project:

2024 Stump Removal Project

Sealed bids for the completion of the Project will be received at the Decorah City Hall Office located at 400 Claiborne Drive, P.O. Box 138 in Decorah, Iowa 52101, until Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 10:00 AM local time.

The Project includes the following Work:

Removal of stumps at various locations throughout the City of Decorah. The project consists of forty-seven (47) stumps located on various boulevards.

The project location(s) is as follows:

Various locations along City streets; all in the City of Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa.

Bids will be received for a single prime contract. Make bids on all items of Work. One contract will be awarded. The Contractor may begin work upon execution of the Notice of Award with a Substantial Completion date of September 30, 2024. Final payment will be made upon final acceptance of the Work.

The Owner may, at their discretion, reject any or all bids, waive informalities, irregularities or technicalities, or accept the bid and award the Project.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish insurance, as listed in the Request for Proposals (RFP), when the Contract is delivered to the Owner.

All Work and material are to be in strict compliance with the specifications listed in the RFP, and by this reference made a part thereof as though fully set out and incorporated herein.

In accordance with Iowa statutes, a resident bidder shall be allowed a preference as against a nonresident bidder from a state or foreign country if that state or foreign country gives or requires any preference to bidders from that state or foreign country, including but not limited to any preference to bidders, the imposition of any type of labor force preference, or any other form of preferential treatment to bidders or laborers from that state or foreign country. The preference allowed shall be equal to the preference given or required by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident. In the instance of a resident labor force preference, a nonresident bidder shall apply the same resident labor force preference to a public improvement in this state as would be required in the construction of a public improvement by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident.

Obtaining Bidding Documents

The Bidding Documents for the Project may be obtained either in printed or electronic formats for free.

Information and Bidding Documents for the Project may be obtained in electronic format or printed format from the Issuing Office Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM:

The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is:

City of Decorah

Street Department

108 Railroad Avenue

Decorah, IA 52101

Ph: 1-563-277-5153 / E:

Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available in any format. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated Issuing Office. Owner will not be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated Issuing Office.

This Notice is issued by:

Owner: City of Decorah

By:          Sam Hogenson

Title:      City Forester

Date:     July 15, 2024

Source link




General Notice

City of Decorah (Owner) is requesting Bids for the completion of the following Project:

2024 Tree Removal Project

Sealed bids for the completion of the Project will be received at the Decorah City Hall Office located at 400 Claiborne Drive, P.O. Box 138 in Decorah, Iowa 52101, until Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 10:00 AM local time.

The Project includes the following Work:

Removal of trees at various locations throughout the City of Decorah. The project consists of thirteen (13) boulevard trees. Stump grinding is not included as part of the project.

The project location(s) is as follows:

Various locations along City streets; all in the City of Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa.

Bids will be received for a single prime contract. Make bids on all items of Work. One contract will be awarded. The Contractor may begin work upon execution of the Notice of Award with a Substantial Completion date of August 30, 2024. Final payment will be made upon final acceptance of the Work.

The Owner may, at their discretion, reject any or all bids, waive informalities, irregularities or technicalities, or accept the bid and award the Project.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish insurance, as listed in the Request for Proposals (RFP), when the Contract is delivered to the Owner.

All Work and material are to be in strict compliance with the specifications listed in the RFP, and by this reference made a part thereof as though fully set out and incorporated herein.

In accordance with Iowa statutes, a resident bidder shall be allowed a preference as against a nonresident bidder from a state or foreign country if that state or foreign country gives or requires any preference to bidders from that state or foreign country, including but not limited to any preference to bidders, the imposition of any type of labor force preference, or any other form of preferential treatment to bidders or laborers from that state or foreign country. The preference allowed shall be equal to the preference given or required by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident. In the instance of a resident labor force preference, a nonresident bidder shall apply the same resident labor force preference to a public improvement in this state as would be required in the construction of a public improvement by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident.

Obtaining Bidding Documents

The Bidding Documents for the Project may be obtained either in printed or electronic formats for free.

Information and Bidding Documents for the Project may be obtained in electronic format or printed format from the Issuing Office Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM:

The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is:

City of Decorah

Street Department

108 Railroad Avenue

Decorah, IA 52101

Ph: 1-563-277-5153 / E:

Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available in any format. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated Issuing Office. Owner will not be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated Issuing Office.

This Notice is issued by:

Owner: City of Decorah

By:          Sam Hogenson

Title:      City Forester

Date:     July 15, 2024

Source link

Water Meter Replacement Project



The proposed project was reviewed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for eligibility for a categorical exclusion from NEPA review specified in the 40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 6.204. The project meets all criteria described in the above reference, and it was determined that this project is eligible for a categorical exclusion. Consequently, a preliminary decision has been made that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) will not be prepared.

This action is taken on the basis of a careful review of supporting information that is on file at the DNR’s Des Moines, Iowa office. The Categorical Exclusion documentation for this project is available online at . The DNR will not take any administrative action on the project for at least thirty (30) calendar days from the publication of this Notice. Persons disagreeing with the above environmental decision may submit comments to  during this period.

Click here to view the Iowa State Revolving Fund Categorical Exclusion

For further information, please contact James Boatright at or 515-782-2473.

Source link

Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – June 24, 2024


9:30 a.m. Michael Kueny – County Engineer
Re: road projects updates

9:50 a.m. Miscellaneous
– VA Guest Column idea
– Community Services Building energy audit / Winneshiek Energy District
– New Year Transfer Resolution
– New Year Appropriations Resolution

10:00 a.m. Andy Van Der Maaten – County Attorney
Re: legal questions regarding agenda & other issues

Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – June 17, 2024


Pledge of Allegiance
9:30 a.m. Michael Kueny – County Engineer
Re: bids for bridges 317A and 313, road closure requests for Fort Atkinson & Festina,
Jim Boeding request for ROW vacation, and other road updates

9:50 a.m. Miscellaneous
– HIPAA Service Agreement with ISAC
– Cigarette and Tobacco permits
– Appointments to VA Commission
– Discuss FY25 appropriations
– Discuss Rural Waste Collection data collection

Consent agenda: approve minutes, approve claims, accept and file departmental reports, approve liquor licenses, approve fireworks permits. Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed as a regular agenda item upon the request of any Board member.

Community Services Building Updates
Committee reports

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