Indigenous Peoples Heritage Month explores Native American cultures, history and current events

Luther College is celebrating Indigenous Peoples Heritage Month in November with a series of events. Guest speakers will highlight Indigenous perspectives on educational leadership, regional history, and current events. Film screenings and an extraordinary planetarium experience will reveal more about Native American cultures. 

This heritage month’s activities build on a fall semester of guest speakers from Native American communities. In September, Oscar Hokeah discussed the Paideia Summer Read, his novel “Calling for a Blanket Dance.” Hokeah is a regionalist Native American writer of literary fiction, a citizen of Cherokee Nation and the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma, with Mexican heritage from Chihuahua as well. In addition, Rebecca Nagle spoke about “Justice on Native Land” for Luther College’s annual Farwell Distinguished Lecture. Nagle is a writer, podcaster, advocate and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. 

All these events are free and open to the public.

Micki Abercrombie-Donahue headshot

Micki Abercrombie-Donahue, vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion and associate professor of education at Whitworth University

Wednesday, Nov. 6: “Indigeneity, Relationality, and Reciprocity: Transforming Models of Leadership in Higher Education,” Center for Faith and Life Recital Hall, 7 p.m. 

Micki Abercrombie-Donahue will explore how Indigenous perspectives on leadership, grounded in principles of relationality and reciprocity, offer transformative models for higher education. Abercrombie-Donahue is vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion and associate professor of education at Whitworth University in Washington. This discussion will highlight the importance of community, interconnectedness and mutual care in reshaping leadership practices within academic institutions. This event is made possible by the Lucille Price Endowed Lecture and the Luther College Department of Identity Studies. 

“The identity studies department is thrilled to continue our focus on Indigenous studies this year with Dr. Abercrombie-Donahue’s visit to campus,” said Char Kunkel, professor of sociology and identity studies department head at Luther College. “She brings not only strength in leadership but also research-based suggestions for transforming higher education in both leadership modeling and multilingual education, which leads to greater student retention for all. Her lecture and interactions are not only timely for Luther College but for the country.”

Thursday, Nov. 7: “The Business of Baskets: Weaving Economic Ties Between the Bethany Indian Mission, Ho-Chunk Families, and Lutheran Ladies’ Aides in the Mid-20th Century Midwest,” Pulpit Rock Brewery Event Room, 7 p.m. 

Anna Peterson, associate professor of history at Luther College, will explore the ways Ho-Chunk women and their families negotiated the effects the Bethany Indian Mission in Wittenberg, Wisconsin, had on their lives and took advantage of the opportunities it presented through the making and selling of black ash basketry. While Bethany missionaries often saw this work as unnecessarily burdensome and outside of the scope of their call, the basket weavers and their families put pressure on the Mission to act as a conduit between the basket makers and basket buyers. In this way, they used the Mission and its contacts to ensure ancestral basket weaving survived in the face of great adversity. Luther College played a significant role in the history of the Mission. This event is sponsored by the Luther College Department of History. 

Friday, Nov. 8: Anishinaabe Star-Knowledge Film+Planetarium Experience in Valders 206 and 205 (Planetarium), 7 p.m.  

This multimedia evening will leave you looking up. The program will start in Valders 206 with a 25-minute film, “Living in Balance: Anishinaabe Star Knowledge.” The film highlights Anishinaabe stories of constellations and moons in relation to contemporary insights about environmental changes. Immediately following the film, attendees will move next door to the Luther College planetarium for a presentation, given by physics professor Jeff Wilkerson, featuring key elements in “Living in Balance.” The planetarium has a maximum capacity of 30, so this part of the program will be on a first-come, first-served basis. This event is sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Public Engagement.

Tuesday, Nov. 12: Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives, Valders 206, 5 p.m.  
Jessica Engelking selfie

Jessica Engelking of the Great Plains Action Society

Jessica Engelking, representation director with the Great Plains Action Society, will address the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives (MMIR). The Great Plains Action Society addresses the trauma that Indigenous peoples and the Earth face and builds power in Indigenous communities. Engelking’s talk will focus on the crisis of Native American communities when relatives go missing. Come learn about this issue and how we can reduce and end violence against Indigenous communities. This talk is sponsored by the Center for Intercultural Engagement and Support. 

Thursday, Nov. 21: “Songs My Brothers Taught Me,” Valders 206, 6 p.m.  

Join the Center for Intercultural Engagement and Support for a screening of Chloe Zhao’s independent film, “Songs My Brothers Taught Me” (2015). The film follows two siblings, living on Pine Ridge Reservation, who face challenges after their father’s death. The brother considers leaving for Los Angeles, but it would mean separating from his beloved sister. Zhao is the director of “Nomadland” (2020) and “Eternals” (2021).

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DHS Vocal Music Department Presents Fall Concert Monday Night

The Decorah High School Vocal Music Department will present a fall choral concert at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 21 in the DHS Auditorium. The concert will feature four choirs: Ninth Grade Treble Clef Choir, Ninth Grade Bass Clef Choir, Viking Chorus, and Concert Choir.

Choirs will perform pieces by Laura Farnell, Andrea Ramsey, Tracy Wong, Melanie DeMore, Sarah Quartel, José Maurício Nunes Garcia, Alice Parker, Rosephanye Powell, and Ralph Vaughan Williams. In addition, arrangements of the Irish folksong “Mairi’s Wedding” and “Dear Theodosia” from Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton will be featured.

The choirs are under the direction of Jason Rausch and Dean Beckman. Collaborative pianist is Lani Himegarner. Additional instrumentalists include Oliver Brummel, Liam Chamberlain, Natalie Goodner, Lauren Severtson, and Ezra Vorvick.

DHS Concert Choir

DHS Concert Choir

Provost Brad Chamberlain appointed president-elect of Luther College

Brad Chamberlain was introduced to the Luther College community today as the president-elect for the nationally known liberal arts college located in Decorah, Iowa.

The college’s current provost, Chamberlain was selected by the Luther College Board of Regents to become the 12th president of the institution, a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

Brad Chamberlain head shot

Brad Chamberlain, President-Elect of Luther College

“It is my distinct honor to accept the offer of the Board of Regents to serve as your next president,” Chamberlain told the assembled crowd of students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members at the Center for Faith and Life. “My wife Julie and I are humbled by your faith in selecting us to lead Luther into its next phase.”

With a career of over two decades at Luther, Chamberlain began as an instructor in chemistry in 2001, and has risen through the academic and administrative ranks. He will take over from current President Jenifer K. Ward, who announced earlier this year her intention to retire during the upcoming academic year.

Introducing Brad Chamberlain as President-Elect of Luther College

Learn more about Luther College President-Elect Brad Chamberlain, the college’s current provost, who was selected by the Luther College Board of Regents to become the 12th president of the nationally known liberal arts college.

“The board was looking for someone who could understand the macro challenges facing higher education and then translate that into the specific needs of Luther College,” Board of Regents Chair Bob Paulson said. “He cares deeply about his colleagues, about students, about the community—the Decorah community as well as the Luther community—and his ability to connect with people along with his breadth and depth of experience set him apart.”

“Brad is a remarkable leader and remarkable human being,” said Shannon Duval, vice chair of the Board of Regents and co-chair of the Presidential Selection Committee. “Whenever the college has asked him to step up and lead a different area or to learn a new set of skills for the benefit of the college, he has said yes. Once again today, he is saying yes. His ability to know the college, help maximize our momentum and have a vision for Luther makes him the perfect choice to become the next president.”

Chamberlain will be the first president to have been promoted from within the college in more than a century; Luther’s third president, Oscar L. Olson, was a faculty member before becoming president in 1921.

“It is unusual to have an internal candidate with the breadth and depth of experience he has, both a long tenure as a very successful and respected professor but also as an administrator who has had the opportunity over the past years to hold a number of essential positions,” Paulson said. “It also was important to the board that we not lose momentum. We have had some major recent accomplishments and there is still a lot of work to do.”

“Our search consultants shared with us that he brings a national-caliber set of experience and skills, and they made clear that we have a national candidate right in our backyard,” Duval added. “He could go to a lot of different places, and yet he has chosen Luther, he has chosen Decorah, and he has a deep and abiding love for both communities. Our ability to attract and retain a talent like him is a huge win for Luther College.”

Watch Brad Chamberlain’s Remarks at the Livestreamed Announcement Event

In his remarks, Chamberlain drew attention to five pillars of his vision for Luther College: build pride, restore belief, strengthen community, clarify identity and enact focus.

“When people think about a college that is drawing excellence out of students, I want them to think about Luther College,” Chamberlain said. “Students arrive at Luther with a set of dreams, and we help them achieve those dreams. But we also want to plant within them dreams that are bigger than the ones they brought with them to college.

Chamberlain spoke to specific ways to use Luther’s identity to focus on the college’s immediate future.

“I want to create alignment around our purpose,” Chamberlain continued. “As I see it, Luther College inspires and equips students to courageously serve the common good. I want us to reclaim that identity as the standard for preparing students for lives of meaning and purpose in service to the neighbor. What I think Luther does well is model and build that sense of focus upon others rather than focusing upon self.”

Chamberlain spoke both to the on-campus gathering and to the wider Luther community of alumni via live streamed video about the power and value of liberal arts education in today’s economy.

“At liberal arts colleges, we talk about the power of ideas, and we teach our students how to evaluate ideas and connect ideas, how to activate ideas,” Chamberlain said. “This is what I think the world needs right now. As we look at the challenges that society is facing, these are not necessarily technical challenges—they are adaptive challenges. This is what a place like Luther College prepares students to do. They are prepared to lead and to serve, but above all, through their leadership and service to others, to make everyone around them better.”

When people think about a college that is drawing excellence out of students, I want them to think about Luther College. Students arrive at Luther with a set of dreams, and we help them achieve those dreams. But we also want to plant within them dreams that are bigger than the ones they brought with them to college.

Brad Chamberlain

President-Elect of Luther College

More About Brad Chamberlain

In his administrative career, Chamberlain’s most recent position as provost began with his appointment as the interim in August 2022, then the permanent selection in December 2022. Utilizing his decade of experience within the academic enterprise, Chamberlain brokered new academic programs and shepherded Luther through a successful interim evaluation by the Higher Learning Commission. He also expanded the Office of Student Success with the addition of Advising, the Career Center, the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching and the Writing Center to create an integrated student success model, the first of its kind at Luther. 

Prior to provost, he was the vice president for mission and communication from 2019 until 2022. Chamberlain led the implementation of Luther’s first integrated brand strategy. It included the integration of newly identified brand pillars, a refreshed visual identity, social media strategy and a redesigned website. In addition, Chamberlain developed the college’s first strategic internal communications plan and co-led the COVID Response Team, under which he provided leadership for the development of a set of indicators and alert levels that provided a flexible and phased approach for all curricular and co-curricular operations during the height of the pandemic. 

Brad Chamberlain with a student looking at a computer

Brad Chamberlain advising a first-year student at registration in 2015.

Joining the college in the fall of 2001 as a visiting professor, Chamberlain has devoted his entire academic and administrative career to Luther. In the classroom, he progressed through the ranks, earning tenure in 2007, becoming a full professor in 2014 and chairing the chemistry department from fall 2014 until spring 2018. A chemist with a specialty in polymers and plastics, Chamberlain has many international, national and regional publications and presentations ranging from the American Chemical Society to the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Starting with research-based grants and external awards, Chamberlain has generated more than $800,000 in total awards. He is also the co-owner of a patent related to his work in polymers. His collaborative research with students was a hallmark of his time in the classroom, with more than 60 mentored undergraduates, three-quarters of whom entered graduate or professional programs and received a wide range of honors, including a Goldwater Scholar and 11 senior honors projects.

In parallel with his research and teaching, Chamberlain began a career of academic leadership at Luther, serving the first of his two terms chairing the college’s Academic Planning Committee in 2006. Leading the shared-governance committee charged with oversight of Luther’s curricula, Chamberlain co-facilitated a revision of the college’s general education curriculum and brokered the creation of new interdisciplinary majors.

Between his two stints with Academic Planning, he was co-director of the College Science Enrichment Project and Luther’s campus director for the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. Both programs sought to uplift STEM disciplines utilizing external grants. As a part of a 16-institution consortium to broaden support for underserved populations, more than half of the students who participated in the Stokes Alliance program obtained admission to graduate and professional programs.

The Chamberlain family wearing Norwegian sweaters, in front of two ornate buildings

The Chamberlain family in Norway in May 2024: Drew Chamberlain, Luther College class of 2026; Brad Chamberlain; Julie Torkelson Chamberlain, Luther College class of 1996; and Liam Chamberlain, a Decorah High School senior.

Graduating magna cum laude with his bachelor’s in chemistry from Gustavus Adolphus College, Chamberlain earned his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Minnesota. Before joining the Luther faculty, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Cornell University. A lifelong learner, Chamberlain has continued his education with professional certifications ranging from fundraising management from Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, to diversity, equity and inclusion from Cornell University’s online campus. He is set to complete his latest professional certification in strategy from the Harvard Business School’s online program in January 2025.

A frequent speaker at Chapel and Luther’s student-led worship services, he is the husband of Julie Torkelson Chamberlain, and the couple have rooted their family in Decorah. A 1996 graduate of Luther, she taught middle school English, worked part time in Luther’s admissions office for 15 years, and now serves as the lead pastor of a local congregation. Their oldest son, Drew, is a three-time American Rivers Conference swimming champion and 14-time all-conference junior swimmer for the Norse. Their youngest, Liam, is a senior at Decorah High School.

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Amy Nam wins second prize in uniquely creative World Harp Competition

Amy Nam, Luther College adjunct faculty in music for harp and composition, was awarded second prize in the World Harp Competition, held during the 2024 Dutch Harp Festival in Utrecht, Holland, in April 2024.  

Amy Nam poses with two other harpists, all with giant prize awards in their hands.

The winners of the 2024 Dutch Harp Festival’s World Harp Competition are Kevin Le Pennec (center), first prize and audience award; Amy Nam (left), second prize; and Ariel Sol (right), third prize. Photo: Elizabeth Jaxon, courtesy of World Harp Competition.

“I was very excited,” said Nam about the experience. “I was the last to play in the semi-final round. It was a whirlwind. I was so happy to get to go, because all of the contestants’ programs were unique and interesting.”

Unlike many musical competitions that set the repertoire for participants, the World Harp Competition allows each contestant to create their own 45-minute program. “It’s whatever you want to play, anything involving you playing the harp,” said Nam. “There are all kinds of harps, even electric harps, folk harps and classical harps. It encourages creativity and pushing the harp outside the box.”  

Nam’s program is entitled “Cosmic Fragments: Words and Music About Life, the Universe and Everything.” According to, “Nam’s program featured works written within the last century, alternating poems and prose with short works for solo harp, and reflecting on themes of the human experience in the context of the cosmos.” 

It included compositions by multiple composers, including Nam’s own work, played on the acoustic concert grand harp, a small electric harp and a large floor pedal harp that was electroacoustic. Between playing, Nam recited selected written works by authors ranging from Italo Calvino to Mary Oliver over a background of electronic interludes composed by Sean William Calhoun. 

Nam described her program as “a sweeping and quirky musical-poetic survey of human experience and the universe we inhabit. … It grapples with the most profound aspects of our existence: impermanence, imagination, suffering, wonder and potential.” Nam premiered the program in April, before the World Harp Competition, at Luther College’s Weston H. Noble Recital Hall.  

“I’m left with three things,” Nam said about the competition and its results. “One was increased weight and credibility with my name. There’s also the program that I’ve developed that’s unique and that I can take places, such as other festivals. It’s something personal to me that has been worked to a high level. Finally, going to that competition and seeing other contestants in a whole festival with other harpists from around the world was very inspiring and energizing, and I will run off that energy for a long time.” 

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Author Shawn Otto, author of “The War on Science,” featured in Luther College’s Roslien Distinguished Lecture

Book cover for The War on Science by Shawn Otto. Luther College’s Dr. David J. Roslien Distinguished Lecture in Science and Leadership presents author Shawn Otto at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29, in the Center for Faith and Life Main Hall. Otto’s talk, titled “The War on Science” (after his 2016 book of the same title), will be followed by a time for questions and answers, moderated by Luther Regent Dr. Michael Osterholm, Luther College class of 1975, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. 

Shawn Otto speaks to audiences worldwide about the scientific foundations of democracy and the causes and dangers of anti-science authoritarianism. His award-winning non-fiction book “The War on Science: Who’s Waging It, Why It Matters, and What We Can Do About It” predicted the rise of anti-science authoritarians and the threat they pose to democracy. 

“Shawn Otto’s lecture at Luther is wonderfully timed, as folks are certainly engaging in discussions and decisions at the heart of U.S. democracy,” said Andy Hageman, associate professor of English and director of the college’s Center for Ethics and Public Engagement. “He brings tremendous research and insight to the ways science and policy have been mixed by governments and leaders.” 

“Folks who attend will get a deep perspective on what is at stake regarding science and science-informed policy going forward, and that can inform and shape how we engage in elections and civic interaction with government officials,” Hageman added. 

After the lecture, there will be a book signing with opportunities to buy Otto’s books. 

About Shawn Otto

Shawn Otto headshot

Shawn Otto will give the 2024 Dr. David J. Roslien Distinguished Lecture in Science and Leadership.

Shawn Otto’s book “The War on Science” has been called “a game changer.” “If you care about attacks on climate science and the rise of authoritarianism, if you care about biased media coverage or shake-your-head political tomfoolery, this book is for you,” said The Guardian in a 2016 review.

Otto was awarded the National Distinguished Public Service Award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology, for his work elevating science in American public dialogue. He was cofounder and producer of the 2016 U.S. presidential science debates. Otto has advised candidate science debate efforts in many countries. 

He is also an award-winning screenwriter and novelist, including writing and co-producing the Academy Award-nominated movie “House of Sand and Fog.” He also wrote the literary crime novel “Sins of Our Fathers,” a Los Angeles Times Book Prize finalist. 

He lives in Minnesota with his wife, Rebecca Otto, the former Minnesota state auditor and candidate for governor, in a solar- and wind-powered green home he designed and the couple built with their own hands. Learn more about him on his website,

About the Roslien Distinguished Lecture

The Dr. David J. Roslien Distinguished Lecture in Science and Leadership brings internationally recognized individuals who have made impacts on society through the use of cutting-edge science or global leadership in policy and programs to Luther College to engage with faculty and students.

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Decorah High School NHS Chapter Wins National Award for Service

For its exemplary record of leadership, service, and efforts to improve the school and community, the National Honor Society (NHS) awarded the Decorah High School chapter of NHS the Service Award of Excellence.

Service is a strong aspect of the Decorah NHS chapter, with events occurring throughout the year. Last fall NHS members created a Krusty Krab cafe for families to attend before the Saturday matinee performance of “SpongeBob the Musical.” This included themed food, a photo booth with character cut-outs, art activities, and colorful decorations. DHS received Special Recognition for Community Engagement from the Iowa High School Musical Theater Awards for the Krusty Krab lunch event sponsored by the chapter.

Members also volunteer at Holiday Lights and have started “Pass the Bricks,” a program where students collect and recycle Legos to create new kits to donate to community members. In addition, at least three times a year, the NHS hosts a social during lunch. The entire student body is invited to play games and connect with others. They also created the Stuffed Animal Sleepover Project for students in second grade at John Cline Elementary. Furthermore, NHS members have supported the Special Olympics Unified Champion initiative by helping with events, creating the design for a school-wide t-shirt, and hosting a shootout at the Unified Champion basketball game, with all proceeds going toward Special Olympic equipment purchases.

“Over the years, our strong NHS leaders have developed a system of committees that has led to more participation, greater commitment, and more meaningful ways to contribute to our school and greater community. Our current members are building on that foundation with new ideas and energy,” stated advisors Shannon Horton and Liz Fox.

The NHS Chapter Pillar Awards are prestigious recognitions to celebrate the outstanding achievements of NHS chapters across the country. NHS is supported by its parent organization, the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), which also oversees the National Association of Student Councils.

 “Receiving an NHS Chapter Pillar Award reflects the extraordinary commitment of students who are making a real difference in their school and community,” said NASSP CEO Ronn Nozoe. “The Decorah High School chapter shows what’s possible when young people come together to lead, serve, and inspire others.”

Krusty Krab NHS

One alumnus joins the Luther College Board of Regents, two others contribute expertise to board’s investment committee

Luther College President Jenifer K. Ward announces that Michael “Mike” Anderson, a Luther College 1999 alumnus with a distinguished nursing career, will join the college’s Board of Regents this month. In addition, alumni Brian Johnson and Michelle Klisanich are joining the Board of Regents investment committee to provide their specialized expertise in business and financial planning.  

“We are proud of the knowledge, counsel and commitment that these Luther alumni will share with their alma mater,” said President Ward. “Luther College is proud of their accomplishments and grateful for their willingness to offer their leadership to the Board of Regents.” 

Mike Anderson

Mike Anderson head shot

Mike Anderson, DNP, CRNA, is the chief operating officer for Heartland Anesthesia and Consulting.

Mike Anderson, DNP, CRNA, Luther College class of 1999, is the chief operating officer for Heartland Anesthesia and Consulting. Before this role, he was a clinical nurse anesthetist at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, where he also served as a clinical associate professor and the clinical coordinator of the Anesthesia Nursing Program. He continues to serve as an adjunct associate professor for the University of Iowa’s College of Nursing. 

Anderson earned his Bachelor of Arts in nursing from Luther in 1999, followed by a master’s in nurse anesthesia from Cleveland Clinic/Case Western Reserve University in 2009. He completed his Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) at the University of Iowa in 2014, focusing on infection control in the operating room. 

Mike and his wife, Carryn (Ensrude) Anderson ’99, live in North Liberty, Iowa, with their two sons, Austin and Braden. They are actively involved in their community and remain dedicated to supporting Luther College through endowments for nursing simulation and musical touring.  Mike received the Luther College Distinguished Alumni Service Award in 2019. In 2024, they established the Anderson Endowment for musical touring after a transformative experience on the Nordic Choir companion tour to Norway. He has also served on the Alumni Council and is a member of the Heritage Club. 

Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson head shot

Brian Johnson is senior vice president of investor relations and business development for Casey’s General Stores Inc.

Brian Johnson, Luther College class of 1998, has over 20 years of experience at Casey’s General Stores Inc., where he currently serves as senior vice president of investor relations and business development. Before that, he was director of finance and accounting manager. Brian started his career with KPMG. 

With an accounting degree from Luther and an MBA from Drake University, Johnson combines strategic thinking with deep financial expertise. A former Luther swimmer, he remains a dedicated supporter of Luther College. Johnson lives in Johnston, Iowa, with his wife, Patricia, and their children, Joseph, Abigail and Jacob. 

Michelle Klisanich

Michelle Klisanich headshot

Michelle Klisanich is a wealth advisor and certified financial planner professional at Navista Wealth Management.

Michelle (Monson) Klisanich, Luther College class of 2006, is a wealth advisor and certified financial planner professional at Navista Wealth Management (previously called Birch Cove Group) in Minneapolis, Minn. Her areas of expertise include retirement strategies, tax-efficient saving and investing, college savings and insurance planning. Michelle previously worked as a wealth advisor at Thrivent Financial. She earned her CFP certification from the American College of Financial Services. 

Klisanich was honored as one of “Twin Cities Finest” for not only excelling in her profession but also giving back to the community. A Spanish major at Luther, she is a former member of the Luther College Alumni Council and a member of the Heritage Club. Klisanich and her husband, Michael, live in Minnetonka, Minn., with their daughters, Anja and Mari.

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National survey seeks career insights from Luther College alumni

Luther College announces a new partnership with Lightcast, a global leader in labor market data, to participate in the National Alumni Career Mobility (NACM) survey. This annual national benchmark survey seeks career satisfaction and insights from the alumni cohorts who graduated five years ago and 10 years ago — this year, the classes of 2014 and 2019. 

The data collected by this survey will be used to help Luther College better understand and learn from the professional pathways of its graduates, and to prepare future alumni for continued career success. 

“At Luther College, we deeply value staying connected with our alumni, hearing their stories, and learning about their career journeys,” said Mary Duvall, vice president for advancement. “That’s why the Luther College Career Center, in partnership with other campus departments, is participating in the National Alumni Career Mobility survey. 

“The survey is an opportunity for alumni in the classes of 2014 and 2019 to reflect on their personal and professional journeys, including how specific experiences influenced their careers, successes, and engagement with their community,” Duvall added. “These insights, combined with those of peers across the country, will help Luther understand how well we are preparing graduates for successful careers and meaningful lives.” 

If you are a 2014 or 2019 graduate of Luther College, look for an email link to the survey, starting October 15. The survey will be open through December 15. 

About Lightcast

Logo of the National Alumni Career Mobility SurveyLightcast provides trusted global labor market data, analytics, and expert guidance that empowers communities, corporations and learning providers to make informed decisions and navigate the increasingly complex world of work. With a database of more than one billion job postings and career profiles, our team provides best-in-class customer service with robust data, clear analysis, and expert guidance on skills, jobs, and opportunities. For more, visit

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Impact Award, valued at more than $51,000 annually, expands to Wisconsin

Graphic that says "Luther College Impact Award" and shows Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa

The Luther College Impact Award is valued at more than $51,000 annually.

Luther College has expanded its Impact Award scholarship program to Wisconsin for students entering college in the fall of 2025.

The Luther College Impact Award program was initiated in fall 2021 for qualifying students in the state of Iowa and expanded to the state of Minnesota last year. These awards provide free tuition for up to four years to students who have a 3.5 grade point average and whose families have an adjusted gross income of $80,000 or less. Recipients of the scholarship must reside on campus. 

These scholarships are valued in excess of $51,000 annually. They are available for both new first-year students and transfer students. 

“The Luther College Impact Award reflects the institution’s commitment to expanding access to a Luther education,” said Matt Beatty, acting vice president for enrollment management. “This scholarship opportunity has already made it possible for 51 students from Minnesota and Iowa to enroll at Luther College since 2022. I’m excited to see how it continues to empower students and families throughout the region, including Wisconsin.”

No special scholarship application is needed. Students only have to apply to Luther and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); the recommended completion date is March 15, 2025. 

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Fall semester brings first-year enrollment growth and high rankings for Luther College

This fall, Luther College celebrates year-over-year growth in its first-year class enrollment as well as a rise in key national rankings.

“We are pleased to announce that fall enrollment shows a 6.6 percent increase in the first-year class compared to last year,” President Jenifer K. Ward said. “As is the case with the trends in higher education nationwide, Luther has experienced enrollment declines for over a decade, all made more challenging by a global pandemic. Given this past year’s challenges of smaller numbers of 18-to-22-year olds in the Midwest and the unfortunate delays with FAFSA, we have reason to celebrate this positive outcome.”

Coinciding with the increase in first-year students, Luther College appears in a wide range of fall national rankings, including traditional lists like U.S. News & World Report’s Best Colleges and the Princeton Review’s Best Colleges, as well as newer reports like the Wall Street Journal’s Best Colleges in the U.S.

“We are certainly pleased to see positive change in rankings across a wide range of national indicators,” Ward said. “Our standing as a nationally-ranked campus, and as a clear second among our Iowa peers, is attracting the attention of prospective students and families and also encouraging our proud Luther alumni.”

4 students give thumbs up

Luther first-year students and men’s soccer team members Henry Murray of Minneapolis, Minn.; Jeff Sieck of Grinnell, Iowa; Ethan Le Moine of Minneapolis, Minn.; and Theo Cornell of Minneapolis, Minn. enjoy an icebreaker activity during Welcome Week, Sept. 1, 2024.

The smaller first-year classes of the past few years at Luther led to slightly lower overall enrollment this fall compared to last fall, but the addition of the 402 new students served as a milestone.

“Even as our overall enrollment plays ‘catch up,’ today is a day for celebration,” Ward said in a message to the campus community. “I want to give special thanks to our team in Admissions and Financial Aid, as well as to the faculty and staff who rolled out the Luther blue carpet for countless individual and group campus visits, Zoom calls, sidewalk conversations, and all manner of creative and hospitable ways to demonstrate to potential students and their families that Luther College welcomed them and had much to offer.”

High marks in national and specialty rankings

Luther rose in the national liberal arts college ranking by U.S. News & World Report this year to 108, eight spots higher than last year. Luther also placed in the top 500 ranking of all American colleges and universities by the Wall Street Journal, and was named one of the top colleges in the Midwest region by the Princeton Review.

Among private liberal arts colleges in Iowa, Luther was second only to Grinnell College in the rankings by U.S News and by the Wall Street Journal

Along with these broad-based rankings, Luther continued its high marks in specialty areas.

Luther’s outstanding record on sustainability earned the college another top 10 ranking in the 2024 Sustainable Campus Index, issued by the Association for Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). Along with a gold-level rating, Luther was seventh among baccalaureate institutions in the AASHE top performers.

Luther remains the “hidden gem college” for the state of Iowa by College Raptor, a distinction the college has held since 2019. Luther’s home town of Decorah was listed as a must-see or best small town for Iowa by AFAR and Thrillist.

“I’m incredibly proud of Luther College for being recognized by all of these organizations for our academic quality, commitment to accessibility, and dedication to fostering individual potential,” said Matt Beatty, acting vice president of enrollment management. “This recognition affirms our mission to provide an excellent educational experience that empowers students to thrive in an inclusive and supportive community. For high school students who would benefit from a more intimate campus experience with outstanding programs, Luther deserves to be on their list of college options.” 

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