Luther College awards inaugural Joy Tlou Memorial Award

Mychal with his (L-R) father, stepfather, and mother.

Luther College has awarded the inaugural Joy Tlou Memorial Award to Mychal Shed ’23. 

The Joy Tlou Memorial Award is a new award at Luther established by Hla Tlou in memory of her brother, Bonolo Joy Tlou ’86. It is awarded to students whose character, leadership, and participation in the campus community enhance the quality of campus life and encourage a “community of joy.”

“I am so honored, grateful, and blessed to be the recipient of this award and scholarship as it has reminded me that my joy and genuine love for the people and community of Luther College is appreciated and will always be remembered as pure,” said Shed. 

Shed will graduate with the class of 2023 with a degree in psychology. He is the son of Maya Sample and Marcus Shed and is from Teague, Texas. Shed is a member of the Luther men’s basketball team and was voted team captain. Additionally, he is the president of the Black Student Union and serves on the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee and Luther’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. He also works in the Admissions Office as a Lead Student Ambassador and is an active member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization.

“As a community leader here at Luther, the organizations and people I have been blessed enough to serve and share my joy with have expressed their gratitude on a number of occasions,” said Shed. “As the Black Student Union president, I have had members reach out to me personally and thank me for helping make our organization inclusive and respectful to all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, beliefs, sexual or cultural differences.”

Shed chose Luther because of the opportunity to be involved in a diverse, inclusive, proactive and genuine community, and to make connections with people of all denominations, life experiences and ethnic backgrounds. 

When asked, “What joy can you bring to the campus community?” Shed replied, “I have come to realize that happiness and joy are two completely different things. There is a quote that states, ‘Happiness requires happy circumstances. Joy, on the other hand, sticks around. It doesn’t get chased off by trouble.’ My joy sticks around because it’s bigger than me. I have a very simple, yet meaningful ‘joy triune’–my faith, my family and my passion in life, which is serving others.”

After graduating from Luther, Shed will be attending the University of Chicago this fall as he has been accepted into the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice in pursuit of obtaining his master’s degree in social work.

About Bonolo “Joy” Tlou

Joy Tlou was born in Gwanda, Zimbabwe in 1963. He moved to Decorah with his mom and sisters when he was two years old to join his father who was a student at Luther College. Joy attended elementary school in Decorah; junior high school in Glencoe, Illinois; and graduated high school in Blacksburg, Virginia. He earned a bachelor’s degree in communications from Luther College in 1986. No matter where Joy went, he was loved by everyone and was a friend to anyone. 

In addition to working as a college administrator, Joy was an artist who made beautiful pottery, a singer and musician, a cook who hosted dinners for no other reason than to bring people together. He enjoyed fishing, skiing, telling jokes and simply being in the company of friends and family.

About The Joy Tlou Memorial Award

The Joy Tlou Memorial Award shall be awarded to students, with or without a demonstrated need for financial assistance, whose character, leadership, and participation in the campus community enhance the quality of campus life and encourage a “community of joy.” The $3,000 award is managed through both an application and nomination process. In addition to meeting the criteria above, the following questions are addressed through the application or nomination: 1) What gifts do you have to share; 2) What joy can you bring to the campus community; and 3) What will you do to be like Joy?

About Luther College

At Luther College in beautiful Decorah, Iowa, students explore big questions and take action to benefit people, communities and society. Our academic programs, experiential approach to learning and welcoming community inspire students to learn actively, live purposefully and lead courageously for a lifetime of impact. Learn more at

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Decorah FFA Presents Awards at Annual Banquet

By: Jeramiah Rediske, Decorah FFA Reporter

The 86th annual Decorah FFA Awards Program was held at the Decorah High School auditorium on Thursday, March 23rd at 7:00 p.m. About 250 guests were in attendance, including parents, family members, community sponsors, business leaders, and FFA members. The Conduct of Meetings Team, consisting of President Lyla Lovstuen, Vice-President Rylee Averhoff, Secretary Karlie Einck, Treasurer Thea Zidlicky, Reporter Jerikah Dodd, Sentinel Annika Schmelzer, and Advisor Ms. Bruvold officially opened the awards program.

Chapter President Creed Monroe welcomed everyone in attendance. The 2022-2023 officer team then presented Greenhand FFA Degrees and Chapter FFA degrees to the recipients, and Eden Scheidel presented the FFA Creed. This year’s twenty-four Greenhand FFA Degree recipients include Rylee Averhoff, Ryan Bigler, Mason Brumm, Henry Brynsaas, Karlee Bullerman, Jerikah Dodd, Karlie Einck, Nick Farley, Ayden Guevara, Jacob Hageman, Lauren Holthaus, Kaylee Larson, Raleigh Lensing, Lyla Lovstuen, Riann Oberbroeckling, Eden Scheidel, Annika Schmelzer, Tommy Sexton, Mitchell Stemper, Kaden Tarwater, Jake Teslow, Gracie Thompson, Kamryn Werges, and Thea Zidlicky

The 2022-2023 Chapter FFA Degree recipients include Caiden Bruns, Kiele Eberling, Logan Frye, Kaid Headington, Austin Helgerson, Blaine Leidahl, Rashell Lippe, Hunter Quandahl, Elora Schnitzler, Jordan Sims, and Derek Tieskoetter.

Brody Courtney and Travis Nordheim then awarded the leadership awards to members who successfully served as leaders within the chapter by serving as an officer and/or a committee chairperson. Members receiving leadership pins for completing their first year of service include Brooke Anfinson, Annika Brynsaas, Brody Courtney, Austin Helgerson, Anders Lovstuen, Creed Monroe, Travis Nordheim, Jeramiah Rediske, Derek Tieskoetter, Ciara Wedmann, Olivia Wyatt, and Mara Wyatt.

Members recognized for more than two years of leadership service to the chapter include Cade Averhoff, Kyleigh Batterson, Braunwyn Darrington, Rachel Mikkelson, Morgan Moen, Chezny Ryant, Hannah Schnitzler, and Addison Wemark.

2023 Decorah FFA Best Record Book Winners include Jeramiah Rediske, Jordan Sims, Raleigh Lensing, and Morgan Moen.

Addison Wemark and Kyleigh Batterson introduced the members who had perfect meeting attendance this past year. These members include Brooke Anfinson, Kyleigh Batterson, Ryan Bigler, Caiden Bruns, Annika Brynsaas, Henry Brynsaas, Karlee Bullerman, Brody Courtney, Camren Darling, Nick Farley, Blaine Leidahl, Lyla Lovstuen, Morgan Moen, Creed Monroe, Travis Nordheim, Jeramiah Rediske, Eden Scheidel, Carter Schmelzer, Hannah Schnitzler, Jordan Sims, Derek Tieskoetter, Addison Wemark, Kolton Werges, and Dalton Zidlicky.

Anders Lovstuen and Morgan Moen presented scholarship pins and certificates to all of the Decorah FFA members who made the honor roll this past year. Members receiving this honor and a pin include Ryan Bigler, Henry Brynsaas, Karlee Bullerman, Jerikah Dodd, Nick Farley, Kaylee Larson, Raleigh Lensing, Lyla Lovstuen, Riann Oberbroeckling, Eden Scheidel, Annika Schmelzer, Tommy Sexton, Mitchell Stemper, Jake Teslow, Derek Tieskoetter, Kamryn Werges, and Thea Zidlicky.

Members receiving a scholarship certificate for being on the honor roll multiple years include Brooke Anfinson, Cade Averhoff, Kyleigh Batterson, Annika Brynsaas, Austin Helgerson, Alex Irwin, Anders Lovstuen, Maggie Lovstuen, Rachel Mikkelson, Morgan Moen, Creed Monroe, Justin Nierling, Travis Nordheim, Jeramiah Rediske, Chezny Ryant, Carter Schmelzer, Hannah Schnitzler, Elora Schnitzler, Jordan Sims, Kayleigh Smith, Ciara Wedmann, Addison Wemark, and Dalton Zidlicky.

Annika Brynsaas presented the Academic Achievement Awards. The senior academic awards are awarded from the Iowa FFA Association and are presented to the seniors with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. Recipients who received a certificate and a medal include Kyleigh Batterson, Maggie Lovstuen, Rachel Mikkelson, Morgan Moen, Carter Schmelzer, Hannah Schnitzler, and Addison Wemark.

Hannah Schnitzer and Rachel Mikkelson recognized this year’s members of the month. Members selected to be honored for their FFA accomplishments include Rachel Mikkelson, Ciara Wedmann, Morgan Moen, Eden Scheidel, and Chezny Ryant.

Creed Monroe and Jeramiah Rediske presented the top five fruit sales awards after announcing the chapter had sold a total fruit sales amount of $54,772. Members receiving fruit sales awards include 1st – Jordan Sims, 2nd – Braunwyn Darrington, 3rd – Morgan Moen, 4th – Karlie Einck, 5th – Karlee Bullerman, 6th – Maggie Lovstuen, 7th – Thea Zidlicky, 8th – Henry Brynsaas, 9th – Derek Tieskoetter, and 10th – Hunter Quandahl.

The Decorah FFA Letter was presented by Addison Wemark and Travis Nordheim. In order to letter, members must be an active member in FFA and the community. This year twenty-one members lettered in FFA. These members include Brooke Anfinson, Kyleigh Batterson, Annika Brynsaas, Brody Courtney, Alex Irwin, Anders Lovstuen, Maggie Lovstuen, Rachel Mikkelson, Morgan Moen, Creed Monroe, Justin Nierling, Travis Nordheim, Jeramiah Rediske, Chezny Ryant, Carter Schmelzer, Hannah Schnitzler, Ciara Wedmann, Addison Wemark, Mara Wyatt, Olivia Wyatt, and Dalton Zidlicky.

Each FFA member has a requirement to keep records on either a job placement, agribusiness ownership, or a livestock or crop project. Members then submit their record books for evaluation. Braunwyn Darrington announced the top record books for each class. They were senior Morgan Moen, junior Jeramiah Rediske, sophomore Jordan Sims, and freshman Raleigh Lensing.

Derek Tieskoetter and Morgan Moen presented the Star Greenhand award to Karlie Einck. They also presented the Star Chapter Farmer award to Addison Wemark, the Star Agribusiness award to Justin Nierling, and the Star Chapter Placement award to Morgan Moen.

Kyleigh Batterson congratulated this year’s proficiency award winners, which include the following: Annika Brynsaas (Agriculture Sales Placement), Justin Nierling (Agriculture Services), Jeramiah Rediske (Beef Production-Entrepreneurship), Anders Lovstuen (Dairy Production Entrepreneurship), Chezny Ryant (Dairy Production-Placement), Ciara Wedmann (Equine Science), Addison Wemark (Swine Production-Entrepreneurship), and Morgan Moen (Swine Production-Placement).

Anders Lovstuen and Brody Courtney thanked the senior class for their leadership over the years and congratulated them on all their accomplishments. This year’s 2023 Decorah FFA seniors who were recognized include Kyleigh Batterson, Alex Irwin, Maggie Lovstuen, Rachel Mikkelson, Morgan Moen, Justin Nierling, Chezny Ryant, Carter Schmelzer, Hannah Schnitzler, Addison Wemark, and Dalton Zidlicky.

Annika Brynsaas presented the Star FFA Alumni and Supporters awards to Blake Courtney, Kenzie Hovden, and Isaac Luzum.  Brody Courtney, Creed Monroe, and Kyleigh Batterson then recognized our 2023 Friends of Agriculture Award Recipients. The 2023 Friends of Agriculture award recipients include Mr. Brad Hurst and Mrs. Dana Hogan.

The 2022-2023 Chapter officers then presented the Honorary FFA Degree. The Honorary membership is for any farmers, school superintendents, principals, members of boards of education, chapter advisors, teachers, staff members in agricultural education, business people, and others who are helping to advance agricultural education and the FFA and who have rendered outstanding service. They may be elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting or convention. This year’s recipients were Mrs. Lori Crum and Mrs. Jackie Reckward.

Chapter Advisor Joni Bruvold thanked all the volunteers and individuals who have supported the chapter throughout the last year. Following Ms. Bruvold’s speech, the newly formed Decorah FFA Alumni and Supporters officer team came to the stage to provide an update. There also was a live auction to raise money for Decorah FFA Senior Scholarships through the Decorah FFA Alumni and Supporters.

After watching the year in review video, introduced by Kyleigh Batterson, the new officer installation took place before the banquet was adjourned. The 2022-2023 officers installed the following 2023-24 officers: President – Creed Monroe to Creed Monroe, Vice President – Brody Courtney to Brody Courtney, Secretary – Addison Wemark to Annika Brynsaas, Treasurer – Anders Lovstuen to Anders Lovstuen, Reporter – Morgan Moen to Jeramiah Rediske, Sentinel – Hannah Schnitzler to Travis Nordheim, and Assistant Officer – Kyleigh Batterson to Derek Tieskoetter. The officer team performed the closing ceremonies and concluded the banquet with the Pledge of Allegiance.

3.23.23 Awards Program Best Record Books
2023 Decorah FFA Best Record Book Winners (l-r): Jeramiah Rediske, Jordan Sims, and Morgan Moen. Absent from photo is Raleigh Lensing. 
3.23.23 Awards Program Friends of Ag Hogan and Hurst
2023 Decorah FFA Friends of FFA Award Recipients (l-r): Mrs. Dana Hogan and Mr. Brad Hurst

3.23.23 Awards Program Honorary FFA Degree Reckward and Crum
2023 Decorah FFA Honorary FFA Degree Recipients (l-r): Mrs. Jackie Reckward and Mrs. Lori Crum 
3.23.23 Awards Program FFA Letter
2023 Decorah FFA Letter Recipients:
Row 1 (l-r): Anders Lovstuen, Morgan Moen, Ciara Wedmann, Chezny Ryant
Row 2 (l-r): Jeramiah Rediske, Rachel Mikkelson, Olivia Wyatt, Addison Wemark, Mara Wyatt
Row 3 (l-r): Maggie Lovstuen, Kyleigh Batterson, Annika Brynsaas, Creed Monroe, Justin Nierling, Alex Irwin
Row 4 (l-r): Dalton Zidlicky, Brooke Anfinson, Carter Schmelzer, Hannah Schnitzler, Brody Courtney, Travis Nordheim
3.23.23 Awards Program Academic Achievement Award
2023 FFA Academic Achievement Recipients:Row 1 (l-r): Rachel Mikkelson, Maggie Lovstuen, Kyleigh Batterson
Row 2 (l-r): Addison Wemark, Hannah Schnitzler, Carter Schmelzer, Morgan Moen
3.23.23 Awards Program STAR FFA Alumni and Supporters
2023 Decorah FFA Star FFA Alumni and Supporters Recipients (l-r): Blake Courtney, Kenzie Hovden, Isaac Luzum
3.23.23 Awards Program STAR awards
2023 Decorah FFA Star Award Recipients (l-r): Justin Nierling, Karlie Einck, Addison Wemark, and Morgan Moen 
3.23.23 Awards Program Fruit Sales Top 5
3.23.23 Awards Program Proficiency Awards
2022-2023 Decorah FFA Proficiency Award Winners
Row 1 (l-r): Morgan Moen, Anders Lovstuen, Chezny Ryant
Row 2 (l-r): Annika Brynsaas, Justin Nierling, Jeramiah Rediske, Addison Wemark, Ciara Wedmann 
3.23.23 Awards Program Retiring Officers 2022 2023
The 2022-2023 Decorah FFA Officer Team:
Row 1 (l-r): Anders Lovstuen, Treasurer; Brody Courtney, Vice President; Creed Monroe, President
Row 2 (l-r): Kyleigh Batterson, Assistant; Morgan Moen, Reporter; Hannah Schnitzler, Sentinel; Addison Wemark, Secretary
3.23.23 Awards Program New Officers 2023 2024
The 2023-2024 Decorah FFA Officer Team:
Row 1 (l-r): Anders Lovstuen, Treasurer; Derek Tieskoetter, Assistant; Jeramiah Rediske, Reporter
Row 2 (l-r): Creed Monroe, President; Brody Courtney, Vice President; Annika Brynsaas, Secretary; Travis Nordheim, Sentinel

DMS 8th Graders Head to National History Day State Competition

On March 22, several 8th grade Decorah Middle School students participated in the regional National History Day (NHD) competition held at NICC.  Twelve students were recognized as finalists in the competition and will participate at the NHD state meet in Des Moines on April 24th. This year’s theme was Frontiers in History: People, Places, and Ideas.

State Qualifiers and their projects include the following:

Individual Performance

1st Place:Jillian Volz: Martha Matilda Harper: A Frontier in Franchising

Individual Documentary

1st Place:Noah Potvin: Star Trek: Frontier in Diversity

Group Documentary

1st Place:Nina Sessions and Kaelyn Kuhn: Julia Child

Individual Exhibit

1st Place:Jayden Lundtvedt: Valentina Tereshkova: Frontier in Female Cosmonautics

3rd Place:Thatcher Brown: Froelich Tractor: Frontier in Modern Tractors

Special Award­–Iowa History: Thatcher Brown

Individual Websites:

1st Place:Naomi Kutz:Jane Bolin: Leading the Frontier for Equality in Law

2nd Place:Olivia Rissman:Henrietta Lacks and the HeLa Cells: The Microscopic Frontiers of Modern Science

3rd Place:Grace Stockman: Katherine Johnson: Mathematical Trailblazer

Individual Paper:

1st Place:Olivia Volkmann:Running Past Frontiers: Roberta “Bobbi” Gibb’s 1966 Boston Marathon

2nd Place:Myla Leitz: Loving vs. Virginia

3rd Place:Emma Cline:Newsboy Strike of 1899

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NHD State Qualifiers (l-r): Thatcher Brown, Noah Potvin, Olivia Rissman, Jillian Volz, Naomi Kutz, Jayden Lundtvedt, Emma Cline, Myla Leitz, Olivia Volkmann, Grace Stockman, Kaelyn Kuhn, and Nina Sessions
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All of the 8th graders who participated in NHD Regional competition.

Shark Tank Comes to Decorah Middle School Science Classes

After guiding his sixth-grade students to explore thermal energy and the transfer of energy on the molecular level, Decorah Middle School science teacher Scott Boylen created an engaging way for them to display their learning: they would create a cup system designed to keep liquids cold or warm and present their prototypes to a panel of adults–Shark Tank style. 

The benefits for students engaged in this project are numerous:

  • Students authentically communicated their learning and why it mattered in real life. 
  • They gained genuine experience in personal and professional communication. They were involved in real/live discussions about data, using science terms and vocabulary, listening and responding in real time to questions, and being very genuine in the process. They were engaged actively in communicating like real-life scientists.
  • Students learned about the real-world impacts of scientific concepts, especially thermal energy transfer. Many of them developed and communicated a deep level of understanding of the science involved in working to slow the transfer of energy between molecules in cup systems designed to keep liquids warm or cold.
  • They showed a great deal of creativity and design by using engineering principles and their imaginations. 
  • Students overcame any fears they had about public speaking and presented to a group of adults, including parents and their peers, in a semiformal setting. They created and presented information in ways that were engaging and informative.

DMS student Charly Courtney shared, “I thought that the Shark Tank activity was super fun and was a great way to learn about thermal energy. When we started creating our cups, we had to think about why this would make our cup better, or why is this keeping it cold/hot?”

“The sharks got to ask questions when we finished, which I thought was cool because we got to work on social skills, speaking skills, what we were learning in science to answer the questions, and why that answer was right and support it with evidence,” Courtney added. “In all I thought it was a really cool way to test us and was super fun to do and create the cups.”

“My expectation for the ‘Shark’ part of this project was to not be too intimidating,” Boylen remarked, “but to ask the students to do some level of explaining and thinking around the science behind what they had done.”

The presentations revealed the students’ understanding of the concepts Boylen taught: the students were well prepared for the questions the panel asked, demonstrating their knowledge of science concepts in their answers.

Boylen added, “I was pleased that the ‘Sharks’ asked questions that offered my students the chance to do some thinking on their feet and to learn from that experience. They also learned some self-confidence and that they are awesome curious beings with a world full of wonders in front of them.” 

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Photo ID (l-r): Nathaniel Crose and Noah Alexander explain the science behind their cup prototype.
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Photo ID (l-r): Tristan Hanson, Brogyn Duvel, and Hayden Wenthold field questions from the “Sharks.”
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Photo ID (l-r): Jaedyn Hageman and Karlyn Alstad field questions from the “Sharks.”
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Photo ID (l-r): Dahlynne Borsheim and Addison Birdsell look over a cup design.
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The entrance to Scott Boylen’s classroom – Scott Boylen on right addressing students.

Grant Allows NFL Linebacker and DHS Alum Josey Jewell to Give Back to Decorah Schools

Decorah High School and Middle School have received $5000 of football equipment courtesy of the National Football League, the NFL Players Association and USA Football.  The equipment comes from Decorah High School alumnus and current Denver Bronco linebacker Josey Jewell earning the NFL Way to Play Award as result of goal line tackle by Jewell in the Bronco’s week 18 game against the Los Angeles Chargers. 

The NFL Way to Play initiative seeks to recognize the excellence demonstrated by NFL players who exemplify proper technique to make impactful plays.  Jewell’s tackle of Chargers’ running back Austin Ekeler was chosen as an outstanding play demonstrating proper technique. A panel of former NFL Hall of Fame players, including Merril Hoge, Ronnie Lott, Willie McGinest, Orlando Pace, Michael Robinson and Bobby Taylor made the selection.

With the grant, Decorah Schools received new shoulder pads for the middle school program, helmets for the high school program and Tacklebar safety harnesses for grades 7-12.  The purchases will help improve safety for all athletes involved in the football program. 

Jewell made a visit to a recent morning weight room session to visit with some of the student-athletes who will use the equipment in the coming year.  He commented, “I am honored to have been able to make a tackle that allows me to give back not only to the Decorah Football program, but also offers some financial support for all of the programs the students of Decorah Schools participate in.  The foundation of being fundamentally sound in all of my activities was developed during my time in middle school and high school at Decorah.  Those lessons have contributed greatly to the success I have been fortunate enough to have collegiately and professionally.” 

Decorah High School and Middle School have received $5000 of football equipment courtesy of the National Football League, the NFL Players Association and USA Football.  The equipment comes from Decorah High School alumnus and current Denver Bronco linebacker Josey Jewell earning the NFL Way to Play Award as result of goal line tackle by Jewell in the Bronco’s week 18 game against the Los Angeles Chargers. 

The NFL Way to Play initiative seeks to recognize the excellence demonstrated by NFL players who exemplify proper technique to make impactful plays.  Jewell’s tackle of Chargers’ running back Austin Ekeler was chosen as an outstanding play demonstrating proper technique. A panel of former NFL Hall of Fame players, including Merril Hoge, Ronnie Lott, Willie McGinest, Orlando Pace, Michael Robinson and Bobby Taylor made the selection.

With the grant, Decorah Schools received new shoulder pads for the middle school program, helmets for the high school program and Tacklebar safety harnesses for grades 7-12.  The purchases will help improve safety for all athletes involved in the football program. 

Jewell made a visit to a recent morning weight room session to visit with some of the student-athletes who will use the equipment in the coming year.  He commented, “I am honored to have been able to make a tackle that allows me to give back not only to the Decorah Football program, but also offers some financial support for all of the programs the students of Decorah Schools participate in.  The foundation of being fundamentally sound in all of my activities was developed during my time in middle school and high school at Decorah.  Those lessons have contributed greatly to the success I have been fortunate enough to have collegiately and professionally.” 

Footage of the award winning tackle can be found at  More information about the Way to Play Initiative can be found at

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Denver Broncos linebacker and DHS alum Josey Jewell (center) with some recipients of new equipment made possible by the NFL’s Way to Play Award Initiative

Decorah FFA Excels at Districts

By: Morgan Moen, Decorah FFA Reporter

Twenty-four Decorah FFA members participated in the District FFA Convention on Saturday, March 11th at Beckman Catholic High School. The chapter competed in eight leadership development events and three quiz contests. Two members also served as chapter delegates, and two members were balloted for Northeast District FFA office.

The four contests advancing to the state competition in Ames include the Treasurer’s Book: Anders Lovstuen – 1st place, gold rating; Ag Sales: Annika Brynsaas – 2nd place, gold rating; Job Interview: Jeramiah Rediske – 2nd place, gold rating; and Secretary’s Book: Addison Wemark – 2nd place, gold rating.

The chapter also competed in the following leadership development events: Chapter Website: Travis Nordheim – silver rating; Conduct of Meetings: Lyla Lovstuen, Rylee Averhoff, Karlie Einck, Thea Zidlicky, Jerikah Dodd, Annika Schmelzer, and Raleigh Lensing – silver rating; Public Speaking: Kayleigh Smith – silver rating; and Reporter’s Book: Morgan Moen – participation.

Ten members participated in the three quiz contests. Three participated in the Greenhand Quiz, which is an FFA knowledge exam. Kamryn Werges earned 1st place with a gold rating, Eden Scheidel placed 5th with a gold rating, and Karlee Bullerman received a silver rating. Three members also participated in the chapter quiz, an FFA and parliamentary procedure knowledge exam. Logan Frye placed 7th with a gold rating, and Kiele Eberling and Rashell Lippe received silver ratings. Four members participated in the Farm Business Management Test. The team of Morgan Moen, Justin Nierling, Addison Wemark, and Dalton Zidlicky placed 4th overall. Morgan Moen placed 9th individually.

Brody Courtney and Addison Wemark served as the Decorah FFA’s official district delegates and attended the Northeast District Business Session.

District Officer Election Results

Three Decorah FFA members ran for Northeast District FFA office. In February, Anders Lovstuen, Creed Monroe, and Travis Nordheim completed several rounds of interviews during which they took an FFA knowledge test. After the first round of selection, Creed Monroe was put on the ballot for Northeast District Secretary, and Anders Lovstuen was put on the ballot for NW Sub-District Vice President. At District Convention, both Creed and Anders gave a two-minute speech to delegates and answered two rounds of questions.

Creed Monroe was elected to serve as the 2023-2024 Northeast District FFA Secretary. He was officially installed at the conclusion of the District FFA Convention.

The Decorah FFA will now compete at the State FFA Leadership Conference on April 16-18, 2023 at Iowa State University in Ames.

3.11.23 Districts Decorah FFA
Row 1(l-r): Thea Zidlicky, Lyla Lovstuen, Kiele Eberling, Karlee Bullerman, Eden Scheidel, Morgan Moen, Rashell Lippe

Row 2 (l-r): Anders Lovstuen, Addison Wemark, Annika Brynsaas, Jerikah Dodd, Karlie Einck, Annika Schmelzer, Rylee Averhoff, Raleigh Lensing
Row 3 (l-r): Jeramiah Rediske, Logan Frye, Brody Courtney, Travis Nordheim, Kayleigh Smith, Justin Nierling, Dalton Zidlicky, Creed Monroe, Kamryn Werges

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Creed Monroe was elected as the 2023-2024 Northeast District FFA Secretary.
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 Anders Lovstuen received 1st place in the Treasurer’s Book at the district competition and advanced to the state competition.

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Kamryn Werges received 1st place in the Greenhand Quiz at FFA Districts.

Luther College ranked number two nationally for “Most Students Studying Abroad”

According to U.S. News and World Report, Luther College is ranked number two in the nation when it comes to the percentage of students who participate in study abroad programs. In 2021, 82% of graduating Luther College seniors reported studying abroad during their undergraduate years. 

“Luther students recognize the enormous benefits of a study away experience,” said Victoria Christman, director of the Center for Global Learning at Luther. “Global Learning is embedded in the College mission statement, which encourages ‘learning that moves us beyond immediate interests and present knowledge into a larger world.’ We strive to make that possible for everyone by providing Luther College-run programs that offer almost cost-neutral opportunities for experiential learning and global engagement both domestically and internationally. 82% is a great number. I’d love to see us move even higher in the coming years!”

At Luther, many students utilize their January Term (J-Term) to take in-depth courses abroad. On March 5, the Center for Global Learning revealed where students will be studying during J-Term 2024. Courses abroad will take place in England, Switzerland, Italy, Mexico, Italy, Malta, Turkey, Germany, New Zealand, Tanzania, South Africa, Spain, Morocco, Taiwan, Honduras, and Costa Rica.

Payton Shockey ’23 recently returned from a J-Term course that traveled to Italy, Germany and France. “Participating in a European Art History course across three unique countries and cultures as a math and management major was an incredible way to round out my time as a student at Luther College,” he said. “I was outside of my element daily, yet at every turn, my curiosity was piqued. Being able to make the world my classroom has shown me there are no bounds to how much we can learn and appreciate.”  

Hannah Hoffmann ’23 is a senior international studies major who spent a semester studying in Malta. She says her study abroad experience helped her become a better global citizen. “It gave me a better perspective of how to be a person who gives back to the world. Spending a semester in Malta felt like the culmination and realization of so many goals I’ve had here at Luther which I am so grateful for and is an experience I will treasure forever.”

It gave me a better perspective of how to be a person who gives back to the world. Spending a semester in Malta felt like the culmination and realization of so many goals I’ve had here at Luther which I am so grateful for and is an experience I will treasure forever.

Hannah Hoffmann ’23

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Luther College Center Stage Series presents: Empire Wild

March 16, 2023

At 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 31, the Luther College Center Stage presents Empire Wild in the Main Hall of the Center For Faith and Life.

Empire Wild is a genre-bending crossover trio based in New York City. The ensemble features Ken Kubota, Holly Bean and Mitch Lyon who fuse the sounds of pop, Broadway, folk and jazz with their classical training. Empire Wild’s inventive covers and twists on the classical canon are gorgeously rendered on cello, piano and vocals.

“I love the sense of joy Empire Wild brings to their music. I think some of that energy must be connected to their commitment to education and outreach–I’m excited to have them working with orchestra students at Decorah High School before performing at the CFL,” said Kristen Underwood, director of campus programming. “February’s Center Stage Series brought the heat with LADAMA. In March, we have Empire Wild bringing that special New York brand of cool.”

Empire Wild was selected as an Ambassador Prize winner in the 2020 Concert Artists Guild Victor Elmaleh Competition. They are also heavily involved in their communities as passionate educators who work as teaching artists. Their community involvement ranges from private studios to the New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

The highly creative and talented chefs on the Norse Culinary Team invite you to partake in the Center Stage Dinner Series before the show. The dinners feature a multi-course menu to complement each performance. A separate ticket is required. All meals begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Peace Dining Room on the second floor of Dahl Centennial Union. 

Additionally, the Luther Book Shop offers “Sip and Shop” before each performance. Present your ticket for a complimentary glass of wine and browse the selection before the show.

Both dinner and show tickets are on sale through Luther’s Ticket Office and online at, by emailing or by calling (563) 387-1357.


About Luther College

At Luther College in beautiful Decorah, Iowa, students explore big questions and take action to benefit people, communities and society. Our academic programs, experiential approach to learning and welcoming community inspire students to learn actively, live purposefully and lead courageously for a lifetime of impact. Learn more at

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