Joint Press Release from City of Decorah & Decorah Community School

October 3, 2023

Recent Land Purchase Showcases City and School Cooperation

The City of Decorah’s recent purchase of 30 acres on the east side of town near the river presents an exciting opportunity for both the City and the Decorah Community School District to improve educational and extracurricular opportunities for community members.

The City intends to develop a single-site location for multiple recreational baseball and softball fields in its newly-acquired prime location along the Trout Run Trail. This complex would replace the current fields, which need significant updates and improvements.

At the same time the sale of City-owned land to the School positions the School to pursue a new elementary campus in the heart of our community to replace the current, outdated, building.

These plans demonstrate the City’s and the School’s shared commitment to enhancing quality of life for area residents and continuing to provide state-leading educational opportunities for area children.

Decorah Community School District Superintendent Tim Cronin is optimistic about the plan: “It’s great that strong cooperation and compromise resulted in a mutually beneficial solution. I believe this plan advances the interests of both the School and community.” Mayor Lorraine Borowski is also excited: “We’ve been trying to find a solution to these issues for more than a decade,” she shared, “and now we’re making real progress! I’m proud that City and School leaders got together and found a way to proceed that achieves so much for our community.”

The School and City are working together to finalize a suitable new location for the tennis courts currently west of John Cline Elementary that ensures those facilities remain accessible to both the school community and the general public. With these proposed changes, the high school softball team will finally have a permanent home. Other details will also be worked out in the coming months with community input.

To view the Press Release Click Here

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Empowering Festina Residents: Job-Related Trainings and Opportunities in Winneshiek County

In partnership with UERPC, the City of ­­­­­­­­­­­Festina (Winneshiek County) wants to help connect residents of the region with job-related trainings and opportunities. Below are links to job-related resources available in our region.

IowaWorks Decorah Satellite Office Training Schedule: The Decorah office serves Allamakee, Chickasaw, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque, Fayette, Howard and Winneshiek counties. Check out the IowaWorks calendar to see the various trainings available or call IowaWorks at 563-382-0457.

Northeast Iowa Community College (NICC) Business and Community Solutions: Business and Community Solutions is the customized training, workforce development and continuing education division of NICC, offering a variety of education and training options for businesses and individuals to obtain or advance their skills. Check out the website to see the various trainings available or call NICC at 844-642-2338.

If you need further assistance with connecting to the resources you need, feel free to call our office at (563)382-5085.

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Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – September 25, 2023


0:00:15 – Public Hearing – vacation of Horn Hollow Road
– Consideration of comments and possible action on the vacation

0:23:19 – Consent Agenda: approve minutes, approve claims, accept and file departmental reports, approve liquor licenses, approve fireworks permits. Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed as a regular agenda item upon the request of any Board member

Discussion about the old jail

0:34:19 – Public Hearing – Proposal to enter into a Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement Agreement
– Resolution taking additional action on proposal to enter into a Sewer Revenue Loan and
Disbursement Agreement

0:40:33 – Tom Madden – SEH Engineering
Re: contract for Engineering services & other documents related to the Festina Sewer Project

0:50:44 – Adam Ramseth – R & S Fiber Optics Services
Re: project updates

1:06:57 – Andy Van Der Maten – County Attorney
Re: legal questions regarding agenda & other issues

1:17:26 – Nick Rissman – Interim Co Engineer and/or Jeff Kuboushek – Maintenance Superintendent
Re: road matters

1:33:40 – Miscellaneous
– Roman Lensing letter
– Sound System update / discuss possible interim changes
– RFQ results for Engineer search firms – consider extension
– Discuss whether to hold Public Comment session(s) on Roads, Bridges, and Culverts

Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – September 18, 2023


00:00:00 – Tom Madden – SEH Engineering
Re: Festina Sewer Project Construction Services

00:10:22 – Melanie Tietz
Re: discuss hiring process for County Engineer

00:32:48 – Andy Van Der Maten – County Attorney
Re: legal questions regarding agenda & other issues

00:48:20 – Discuss and answer Iowa Rotocast’s request for consideration of sale of County property

01:00:00 – Nick Rissman – Interim Co Engineer and/or Jeff Kuboushek – Maintenance Superintendent
Re: act on Maintainer Quotes and other road matters

Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – September 11, 2023


00:00:00 – Miscellaneous
– Resolution approving contract and performance and/or payment bonds for the Festina Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvement Project
– Hacker Nelson Arrangement Letter
– Set Public Hearing for sale of lots in Spillville
– MGB Flex agreement

00:10:10 – Discuss interview process for County Engineer hiring

00:14:12 – Nick Rissman – Interim Co Engineer and/or Jeff Kuboushek – Maintenance Superintendent
Re: road matters

00:28:10 – Public Hearing – Transfer of Lots to Fjelstuls
– Consideration of comments and action on resolution

00:37:28 – Andy Van Der Maten – County Attorney & Mike Shimak – County Surveyor
Re: Horn Hollow Road update and legal questions regarding agenda & other issues

00:56:56 -Lucy Schempp & Steve Daniels
Re: Horn Hollow Road comments

01:07:17 – Niki Stinn – Iowa DOT
Re: County Engineer Hiring process

Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – September 5, 2023


Pledge of Allegiance

00:04:30 – Jerrine Osenga
Re: Iowa Rotocast Plastic’s request for property in Freeport

00:14:55 – John Beard
Re: public questions regarding road vacations & advise from Lee Bjerke and Andy Van Der Maaten

00:29:21 – John Halverson – Maintenance Superintendent
Re: landscaping plans

00:46:29 – Consent agenda: approve minutes, approve claims, accept and file departmental reports, approve liquor licenses, approve fireworks permits. Any matter on the Consent Agenda will be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed as a regular agenda item upon the request of any Board member.

00:47:02 – Committee Reports

00:57:19 – Nick Rissman – Interim County Engineer & Jeff Kuboushek – Maintenance Superintendent
Re: Maintainer quotes, Utility Permit Fees, and other road matters

00:01:23 – Jim Wicka
Re: Horn Hollow Road request

01:39:38 – Resolution setting public hearing to enter into a Sewer Revenue Loan and Disbursement
Agreement and to borrow money thereunder in a principal amount not to exceed $600,000

01:41:45 – Review County Engineer Applications and discuss process to proceed

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