Press Release: Consumption of Beer/Wine on Closed Streets During Nordic Fest


Decorah City Manager

Press Contact: Travis Goedken, 563-382-3651


Consumption of Beer and Wine on Closed City Streets During Nordic Fest

Decorah, IA (July 25, 2024) – This press release is intended provide clarification to misinformation heard in the public.  The City of Decorah recently updated the Municipal Code of the City of Decorah to allow for the possession and consumption of alcoholic liquors on a closed city street, by resolution of the city council.

A resolution was adopted by the city council to allow the possession and consumption at Nordic Fest.  The resolution limits the possession and consumption to within the designated beverage garden area; which remains the same as previous years.  The Nordic Fest Board has worked closely with the Decorah Police Department to ensure the beverage garden be clearly marked and monitored.

The City of Decorah is dedicated to maintaining a safe and enjoyable event for all.  Wishing a Happy Nordic Fest to all this weekend!


This is an official city press release.  Modifications of any kind are prohibited without express written consent of the author.  Any reprint or broadcast of this information must include this entire communication.

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Twin Trees



General Notice

City of Decorah (Owner) is requesting Bids for the completion of the following Project:

2024 Stump Removal Project

Sealed bids for the completion of the Project will be received at the Decorah City Hall Office located at 400 Claiborne Drive, P.O. Box 138 in Decorah, Iowa 52101, until Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 10:00 AM local time.

The Project includes the following Work:

Removal of stumps at various locations throughout the City of Decorah. The project consists of forty-seven (47) stumps located on various boulevards.

The project location(s) is as follows:

Various locations along City streets; all in the City of Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa.

Bids will be received for a single prime contract. Make bids on all items of Work. One contract will be awarded. The Contractor may begin work upon execution of the Notice of Award with a Substantial Completion date of September 30, 2024. Final payment will be made upon final acceptance of the Work.

The Owner may, at their discretion, reject any or all bids, waive informalities, irregularities or technicalities, or accept the bid and award the Project.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish insurance, as listed in the Request for Proposals (RFP), when the Contract is delivered to the Owner.

All Work and material are to be in strict compliance with the specifications listed in the RFP, and by this reference made a part thereof as though fully set out and incorporated herein.

In accordance with Iowa statutes, a resident bidder shall be allowed a preference as against a nonresident bidder from a state or foreign country if that state or foreign country gives or requires any preference to bidders from that state or foreign country, including but not limited to any preference to bidders, the imposition of any type of labor force preference, or any other form of preferential treatment to bidders or laborers from that state or foreign country. The preference allowed shall be equal to the preference given or required by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident. In the instance of a resident labor force preference, a nonresident bidder shall apply the same resident labor force preference to a public improvement in this state as would be required in the construction of a public improvement by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident.

Obtaining Bidding Documents

The Bidding Documents for the Project may be obtained either in printed or electronic formats for free.

Information and Bidding Documents for the Project may be obtained in electronic format or printed format from the Issuing Office Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM:

The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is:

City of Decorah

Street Department

108 Railroad Avenue

Decorah, IA 52101

Ph: 1-563-277-5153 / E:

Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available in any format. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated Issuing Office. Owner will not be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated Issuing Office.

This Notice is issued by:

Owner: City of Decorah

By:          Sam Hogenson

Title:      City Forester

Date:     July 15, 2024

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General Notice

City of Decorah (Owner) is requesting Bids for the completion of the following Project:

2024 Tree Removal Project

Sealed bids for the completion of the Project will be received at the Decorah City Hall Office located at 400 Claiborne Drive, P.O. Box 138 in Decorah, Iowa 52101, until Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 10:00 AM local time.

The Project includes the following Work:

Removal of trees at various locations throughout the City of Decorah. The project consists of thirteen (13) boulevard trees. Stump grinding is not included as part of the project.

The project location(s) is as follows:

Various locations along City streets; all in the City of Decorah, Winneshiek County, Iowa.

Bids will be received for a single prime contract. Make bids on all items of Work. One contract will be awarded. The Contractor may begin work upon execution of the Notice of Award with a Substantial Completion date of August 30, 2024. Final payment will be made upon final acceptance of the Work.

The Owner may, at their discretion, reject any or all bids, waive informalities, irregularities or technicalities, or accept the bid and award the Project.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish insurance, as listed in the Request for Proposals (RFP), when the Contract is delivered to the Owner.

All Work and material are to be in strict compliance with the specifications listed in the RFP, and by this reference made a part thereof as though fully set out and incorporated herein.

In accordance with Iowa statutes, a resident bidder shall be allowed a preference as against a nonresident bidder from a state or foreign country if that state or foreign country gives or requires any preference to bidders from that state or foreign country, including but not limited to any preference to bidders, the imposition of any type of labor force preference, or any other form of preferential treatment to bidders or laborers from that state or foreign country. The preference allowed shall be equal to the preference given or required by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident. In the instance of a resident labor force preference, a nonresident bidder shall apply the same resident labor force preference to a public improvement in this state as would be required in the construction of a public improvement by the state or foreign country in which the nonresident bidder is a resident.

Obtaining Bidding Documents

The Bidding Documents for the Project may be obtained either in printed or electronic formats for free.

Information and Bidding Documents for the Project may be obtained in electronic format or printed format from the Issuing Office Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM:

The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is:

City of Decorah

Street Department

108 Railroad Avenue

Decorah, IA 52101

Ph: 1-563-277-5153 / E:

Partial sets of Bidding Documents will not be available in any format. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated Issuing Office. Owner will not be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated Issuing Office.

This Notice is issued by:

Owner: City of Decorah

By:          Sam Hogenson

Title:      City Forester

Date:     July 15, 2024

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Water Meter Replacement Project



The proposed project was reviewed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for eligibility for a categorical exclusion from NEPA review specified in the 40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 6.204. The project meets all criteria described in the above reference, and it was determined that this project is eligible for a categorical exclusion. Consequently, a preliminary decision has been made that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) will not be prepared.

This action is taken on the basis of a careful review of supporting information that is on file at the DNR’s Des Moines, Iowa office. The Categorical Exclusion documentation for this project is available online at . The DNR will not take any administrative action on the project for at least thirty (30) calendar days from the publication of this Notice. Persons disagreeing with the above environmental decision may submit comments to  during this period.

Click here to view the Iowa State Revolving Fund Categorical Exclusion

For further information, please contact James Boatright at or 515-782-2473.

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Public Parklet Program

The City of Decorah is about to take delivery of two crash test rated parklets to start our public parklet program.  We are currently receiving applications through June 23rd for consideration of a parking spot near you!  Please send completed applications or any questions about the program to Travis Goedken at

Application and Maintenance Agreement Below:

Public Parklet Program Application

Parklet Maintenance Agreement



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Updates at the Yard Waste Site

Twin Trees


Decorah Street Department

Press Contact: Sam Hogenson, 563-277-5153


City of Decorah Announces Updates to City Code for Handling Tree Materials at Yard Waste Site

Decorah, IA (June 3, 2024) – The City of Decorah has implemented important updates to the City Code regarding the handling of logs, tree branches, and brush at the City’s Yard Waste Site. These changes are designed to streamline yard waste management and ensure efficient processing of materials. All contractors and residents are required to follow the new guidelines, which are effective immediately.

Updated Guidelines:

  1. Logs (over 8” in diameter):
  • All logs over eight inches in diameter must be cut into lengths that do not exceed twelve feet and deposited in the designated area for firewood.
  1. Tree Branches and Brush (under 8” in diameter):
  • All tree branches and brush under eight inches in diameter deposited by homeowners must be cut into lengths that do not exceed twelve feet and deposited in the designated area for tree branches and brush.
  • All tree branches and brush under eight inches in diameter, resulting from contractor operations, must be chipped and deposited in the designated area for woodchips.

Important Reminder:

Any contractor intending to deposit tree materials at the Yard Waste Site must have a valid Annual License for Tree Contractors with the City of Decorah, and the materials must originate from within city limits. Also, NO GARBAGE is allowed to be deposited at the Yard Waste Site.

Please call Sam Hogenson, City Forester, at 563-277-5153 with any questions or for clarification on the amendments.

The City of Decorah is dedicated to maintaining a clean, safe, and environmentally friendly community. Our ongoing efforts in urban forestry and waste management are part of our commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all residents.



This is an official city press release.  Modifications of any kind are prohibited without express written consent of the author.  Any reprint or broadcast of this information must include this entire communication.


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2024 Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Project



The proposed project was reviewed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for eligibility for a categorical exclusion from NEPA review specified in the 40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 6.204. The project meets all criteria described in the above reference, and it was determined that this project is eligible for a categorical exclusion. Consequently, a preliminary decision has been made that a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) will not be prepared.

This action is taken on the basis of a careful review of supporting information that is on file at the DNR’s Des Moines, Iowa office. The Categorical Exclusion documentation for this project is available online at . The DNR will not take any administrative action on the project for at least thirty (30) calendar days from the publication of this Notice. Persons disagreeing with the above environmental decision may submit comments to  during this period. For further information, please contact Jean Mayne at or 515-491-7565.

Click here to view the Iowa State Revolving Fund Categorical Exclusion

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Solar Installations Increase 35% in Decorah from 2020-2023



From the City of Decorah 

Title: Solar Installations Increase 35% in Decorah from 2020 – 2023

Contact: Jim Martin-Schramm, Chair, Decorah Sustainability Commission,

The amount of installed solar photovoltaic (PV) energy generating capacity in Decorah increased 35.3% from 2020-2023.  The number of projects increased 32.9% from a total of 234 projects in 2020 to 311 projects in 2023.

Decorah had 4,013.01 kW-AC of installed solar PV capacity on December 31, 2020.  Three years later Decorah had 5,430.73 kW-AC of solar PV installed capacity on December 31, 2023.

Decorah also has 1,600 kW of installed wind energy capacity (Luther’s wind turbine) but that amount did not increase from 2020-2023.

In total, the City of Decorah has 7,030.73 kW-AC of renewable energy generating capacity through the end of 2023.

Alliant Energy provided this information to the City of Decorah (52101 ZIP Code) at the request of the Decorah Sustainability Commission.  One of the action items in the Decorah Sustainability Plan is “to establish a 2020 baseline of installed renewable energy generating capacity per capita (kW/per capita) within the City of Decorah limits; update every three years.”

The most recent estimate of Decorah’s population by the U.S. Census Bureau is that the city had a population of 7,581 in April 2020.  The 7,030.73 kW of solar capacity divided by the city’s population produces an average of 0.93 kW (927.4) watts of installed renewable energy generating capacity per person.

Considering solar alone, the City of Decorah had 716.4 watts of installed solar PV per capita by the end of 2023.

By way of comparison, Honolulu, Hawai’i led the nation with 1,133.48 watts per person in 2021, according to Environment America’s Shining Cities 2022 report.  Decorah’s 716.4 watts of installed solar capacity in 2023 would rank second ahead of Las Vegas, Nevada, which had 689.9 watts per capita in 2021.

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City Yard Waste Site to have Set Hours Starting May 18th


Decorah Street Department

Press Contact: Sam Hogenson, City Forester, 563-277-5153

City Yard Waste Site To Have Set Open Hours Starting May 18th


Decorah, IA (May 13, 2024) – Starting on Saturday, May 18th, the City of Decorah Yard Waste Site will have set open hours. The Yard Waste Site will be open on Wednesdays from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM, on Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, and on Sundays from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM. A key will not be needed to access the site during these open hours. Those wishing to access the site outside of these open hours will need to check out a key from City Hall.

As a reminder, no garbage in any capacity is allowed to be deposited at the Yard Waste Site and only yard waste that originates from within City of Decorah city limits may be deposited. However, residents and non-residents are welcome to take wood chips, compost, and/or firewood from the site.

Please call Sam Hogenson, City Forester, at 563-277-5153 with any questions.



This is an official city press release.  Modifications of any kind are prohibited without express written consent of the author.  Any reprint or broadcast of this information must include this entire communication.



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Press Release: National Police Week

Dear Community Members,

National Police Week runs from May 12-May 18, 2024.  National Police Week is a symbolic time for law enforcement officers across the nation.  This week is a time of thanks for the men and women in uniform that serve their communities with diligence and trust twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year.  These officers serve regardless of weather and regardless of political climate-they serve when people “like” the police, as well as when they don’t.  They miss holidays and birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings.  They miss the first day of school, the last day of school, and a lot of “school things” in between.  This week though, these “sacrifices” seem small.  Law enforcement officers know all too well the true sacrifice that policing can ask of its men and women.  National Police Week is also when we spend time remembering the true cost.  At the close of 2023, 136 federal, state, tribal, and local law enforcement officers died in the line of duty.  2023 was an anomaly and showed a 39% decrease from 2022, in which 224 officers were killed.   Thus far in 2024, a total of 58 line of duty deaths have occurred.

Over the course of her history, Iowa has lost a total of 220 police officers to a line of duty death.  Personally, since my career began in 1997, Iowa has lost 23 officers, from vehicle crashes to felonious assaults. KILD-Chrona.pdf (   In most recent years, these losses have geographically hit particularly close to home. These numbers represent people-people with families that continue to carry the sting of their loss. These numbers rest heavy on the hearts and minds of police officers, especially this week, as we pay tribute and remember those who have paid the ultimate price.  This is the sacrifice.

It is not just the officers that carry this weight of what-if, but their families as well. Moms, dads, spouses, children, and other friends and colleagues also learn to find balance in their worry and their respect.  I would be remiss to not offer my sincere thanks to the friends and families of the Decorah Police Officers, the Winneshiek County Deputies, the State Patrol officers assigned to our area, and our additional law enforcement partners that help us keep our part of Iowa safer for you.  Without their support what we do would not be possible.

Locally, our officers know they work in a community that supports them.  We are blessed to call Decorah and Winneshiek County our home and honored to serve her citizens selflessly.  As I celebrate and reflect during National Police Week 2024, I am thankful.  I am thankful for our police, sheriff’s deputies, and troopers.  I am thankful for the tactical officer, the negotiator, the investigator, the evidence technician, the crime scene processor, the motor vehicle crash reconstructionist, the K9 handler, and the patrol officer.  I am humbled to work amongst some of the best professionals in the State of Iowa.  I am thankful for the opportunity to do so.  May this week continue to be a sacred time in the hearts and minds of us all, and I selfishly ask for it to be a safe week.


Chief Tricia Thein

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