Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – January 15, 2024

This is only a short clip of the January 15 meeting due to problems with the internet.

0: 00:12 Michael Kueny – County Engineer
Re: Road department updates

0:14:09 – Andy Van Der Maaten – County Attorney
Re: Discuss process, timeline, terms, and restrictions for potential land sale in Freeport and possibly set a public
hearing, legal questions regarding agenda & other issues

Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – January 8,, 2024


Pledge of Allegiance
0:00:10 – Carson Eggland & Kathy Schwartzhoff – Helping Services of NEIA
Re: Proclamation of National Mentoring Month & funding request

0:00:11 – Winneshiek County Soil & Water Conservation District
Re: Administrative support and Bear Creek Maintenance funding request

0:29:50 – Faith Hlubek – VA Administrator
Re: FY25 budget

0:43:10 – Krista VandenBrink – Public Health Director
Re: FY25 budget

0:59:17 – Public Hearing – Sale of land in Freeport
– Consideration of comments, open bids, possible action on bids

2:01:17 – Andy Van Der Maaten – County Attorney
Re: FY25 budget, legal questions regarding agenda & other issues

2:07:07 – Accept, file, and publish County Treasurer’s semi-annual report
2:07:50 – Board member responsibilities for 2024
2:09:39 – Discuss/act on recording of weekly meetings

2:15:55 – Winneshiek County Library Association
Re: annual reports and funding requests for FY25

2:33:45 – Kelvin Rue – Lincoln Township Trustee
Re: fire truck funding request

2:58:21 – Nathan Reasner & Jessie Hartsock – CTI
Re: A/V issues

3:32:14 – Jon Lubke – IT & GIS Director
Re: FY25 budget

3:4:20 – Michael Kueny – County Engineer
Re: road department updates

Winneshiek County Supervisors Meeting – January 2, 2024

Winneshiek County Supervisors meeting of January 2, 2023. The first approximately 75 minutes of the meeting were not recorded due to technical difficulties in the County’s IT department

0:00:21 – Mark Dawley 0:00:21
Re: Property Line issue

0:13:35 – Jon Lubke – IT & GIS Director
Re: Annex A/V project update

0:22:23 – Michael Kueny – County Engineer
Re: FY25 Budget & other road matters

0:56:35 – Miscellaneous
– Determine whether to hold meeting in Freeport on January 4th at 7:00pm
– Contract with Upper Explorerland for SRF funding for the Festina Sewer Project

2023-2024 Winter Season

Winter Season Update 12/12/2023

Winter snow will eventually be coming this season, and when it does, the City will be issuing snow emergencies. Some questions have risen in the past regarding these declarations, so this post is intended to help clear things up.

  • The City can declare a snow emergency at any time. With the assistance of local weather forecasts, snow emergencies are generally issued in advance of a snow/ice event, with a projected start and end time and date. Something to note, a snow emergency is automatically in effect if snow accumulation is 1″ or more, regardless of declaration.
  • What is the significance of a snow emergency? Valid question. Snow emergencies are intended to raise awareness of poor driving conditions and alert residents that the city will likely be performing snow/ice removal operations. To effectively perform those operations, the City needs streets to be as clear of vehicles as possible. During a snow emergency, alternate side parking rules are in effect.
  • During snow emergencies on odd calendar days, vehicles need to be parked on the side of the street where houses have odd numbers. On even numbered calendar days, the vehicles need to be parked on the side of the street with even house numbers. Usually, snow emergencies will exist for multiple days, so residents need time to transfer vehicles back and forth from each side of the street. The time between 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. is that given time. For example, if a vehicle is parked on the even side on December 12th during a snow emergency, and needs to be moved to the odd side for the next day (the 13th), the time to move the vehicle to the odd side would be between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. on December 12th.
  • There are a number of streets in Decorah that have restricted parking on one side or the other. In these cases, follow the direction of the sign. If the sign reads “no parking”, do not park there. For example, if it’s December 13th, during a snow emergency, and the parking on the odd side of the street is restricted, no parking is allowed on that street on either side. If the signs read “no parking except during snow emergency”, then vehicles are allowed to park on that side of the street on the appropriate day during a snow emergency.
  • Parking off the street is the best way to avoid parking confusion during a snow emergency, ensure the entirety of the road is cleared as soon as possible, and protect vehicles from collisions. Snow and Ice removal is more efficient and effective when the City’s operators don’t need to traverse around vehicles in the street. Our crews are out fighting snow/ice during the worst of driving conditions, and helping them eliminate obstacles and parking on the correct side of the street will make cleanup after snow events better for everyone.

If there are any further questions, reach out to the Street Department. 563-382-2157

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