Electric Vehicle Story: Zach and Stephanie Fromm

Name: Zach & Stephanie Fromm
Vehicle (Model and Year): 2018 Chrysler Pacifica Plug-In Hybrid
Purchased on: July of 2023 used and under the $25,000 threshold to access the $4,000 tax credit.

Electric Range: As a first year model and with 80,000 miles on it at the time of purchase, I assumed the battery would be degraded a bit, so I wasn’t surprised to find it at 26 miles in the summer and sub-20 in the winter (the heater takes a lot of electricity). It’s rated to get 30+ miles, and maybe the newer models with newer battery technology come closer to that.

How many miles do you drive annually? Of those, can you estimate how many have been all electric versus gas?
I’m not entirely sure how many miles we drive annually. On our most recent vacation we drove 200 highway miles and hadn’t charged the van before we left. Fifty-two of those miles ended up being electric, so the regeneration from braking and going down hill garnered us about 25% electric miles total. That’s pretty good! Our commute to town, daycare, groceries, etc., each day is about 30 miles, and the battery covers 90+% in mild driving conditions, which is awesome. Knowing the average American puts about 40 miles a day on their car, I feel like PHEVs need to get to that amount of range to really make sense.

Thinking back to when you first considered an EV, what were your biggest concerns? Did those concerns result in you opting for a plug-in hybrid (PHEV) instead?
Knowing it was the first iteration of the Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid, I was cautious about battery life and overall maintenance, but we are approaching 100k miles with no issues.

Given you’ve now had experience with a PHEV, do you think you’re more or less inclined to buy a pure electric vehicle (PEV) next time?
I like the idea of a PHEV for the longer hauls until the pure EV battery tech can achieve 300+ mile range consistently, but there are no pure electric minivan options yet, which is a bummer. We also have a Tesla Model Y and would love to give a full EV minivan a go if the range looked promising.

Are you a multi-vehicle household, and if so, is your second vehicle gas powered?
Our other car is a Tesla Y and our third vehicle is an old beat up truck we use for house chores.

Disregarding upfront purchase costs, has your cost of ownership been what you had expected?
We purchased used and under the $25,000 threshold to access the $4,000 tax credit. Having installed a 14-50 Nema 220v outlet in my garage, the Pacifica can recharge to 100% in less than 2 hours and we have been happy paying about $.07 kWh through MiEnergy’s EV metered option.

What’s been the biggest plus of driving an electric vehicle? And challenges?
I love the idea of using greener energy options to power a vehicle and believe that electric/hybrid options are the future. My hope is that we are in the infancy stages of EV/PHEV technology and all the downsides (of which I don’t feel there are many—I have 40k miles on my Tesla and outside of tire maintenance and replacing windshield wiper fluid have had zero other costs) are overcome through time. 

Have you used public charging? If so, what has that experience been like?
I have not used a public EV charger in the Pacifica to date, but anticipate no issues.

Award will Improve Efficiency in two Decorah Apartment Buildings

By Paul Cutting, Energy Planner

DECORAH – With help from the Winneshiek Energy District and Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission, the City of Decorah applied for $233,638 from the Iowa Development Authority’s Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) program. The city was recently notified that its grant request was successful.

The project will provide cold climate ductless heat pumps at two Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation properties in Decorah—the 15-unit Woolen Mill apartment building located downtown Decorah, and the 16-unit Washington Court apartment building at 600 Washington Street. The grant will also enable Decorah households to access energy coaching services with the goal of connecting them to tax credits and point of sale rebates provided by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Woolen Mill Energy Upgrades

The Woolen Mill apartment building was originally constructed in 1867 and was renovated into 15 apartments in 2002, many of which serve lower income households. At the time of its renovation in 2002, the entire building was equipped with electric resistance heat, with each tenant paying their own electricity and Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation (NEICAC) responsible for common area and hallway heating and cooling. The building was also outfitted with primitive ductless air conditioning, but most units have since failed. Most tenants now rely on window air conditioners.

Tenant electricity costs have escalated over time, in part due to significant increases in electricity rates, and also because the building’s exterior windows are leaky and approaching their end of life. As part of Winneshiek Energy District’s involvement in this project, we analyzed electric bills for both energy and cost savings, assisted with appropriate heat pump selection, and helped secure contractor quotes.

Last year, electricity bills at Woolen Mill for single-bedroom units averaged $90-$120/month, whereas two-bedroom units averaged $120-$140/month. The installation of new electric air source heat pumps with seasonally averaged efficiencies of 275-300% relative to electric resistance heating should reduce tenant electric bills by at least $35/month per unit. Building-wide (including NEICAC’s expenses for heating and cooling common areas), the new heat pumps should reduce annual energy consumption by 43,500 kWh and energy bills by $7,220. 

Washington Court Energy Upgrades

The other building to benefit from this project, the 16-unit senior housing named Washington Court, was built in 1996 and utilizes electric resistance heating and through-the-wall window air conditioning. Tenant electricity expenses are significantly less than Woolen Mill, in part due to the building being in generally better condition, of newer construction, and with lower ceilings.

Last year, tenant electricity expenses averaged $71/month, and it is anticipated bills will decrease to $51/month once new heat pumps are installed. Building-wide, the heat pumps are anticipated to save 18,320 kWh annually, or $3,800. 

Free Energy Coaching for Low Income Households

The EECBG grant award will also help lower-income Decorah households access free energy coaching to help them identify opportunities for efficiency improvements and savings through tax credits and rebates funded by the IRA. Look for news about both programs in the coming months.

Electric Vehicle Story: David Wadsworth

This spring and summer we bring you “Electric Vehicle Owner Stories,” a series of interviews with northeast Iowa EV owners.

Name: David Wadsworth (Wadsworth Construction)
Vehicle 2023 F-150 Lightning XLT with extended range battery, which is rated for 320 miles.
Purchased on: Dec. 1, 2023

How many miles do you drive annually?
Approximately 25,000 between work and personal use, and the truck will serve both.

Thinking back to when you first considered an EV, what were your biggest concerns? Have those concerns lived up to what you had anticipated?
Range and towing capacity and towing range were far and away my biggest concerns.

Now that you’re an EV owner, are your concerns different?
Since I’ve had the truck, I’ve since learned what to expect in range for various scenarios and the effects of weather, what being towed, etc.

As you’ve adjusted to driving an EV, what have been the biggest headaches? Trip planning, towing, getting someplace when it’s really cold, lack of charging or time spent charging, or something else?
All of that! I’m using the truck as my construction company’s primary project vehicle. I really have to sit down and plan out where we’ll need to stop and how that fits with our work schedule. And of course making sure the truck is completely charged before we leave town is huge. Charging is usually done at Level 3 fast chargers to eliminate having to spend more time than necessary sitting around with employees who are on the clock.

Are you a two vehicle household, and if so, is your second vehicle gas powered?
Yes, we’re a two vehicle household and the second vehicle is gas powered.

Are there certain things you rely on the gas vehicle for?
No, I bought the Lightning to be a full replacement for what my old gas truck did.

What’s the longest trip you’ve taken in your EV and what planning considerations came into play?
Muscatine, Iowa. I’ve found EV planning to be pretty much the same, regardless of the distance we’re traveling. There are certain things you always have to be prepared for, like location of level 3 stops along the way and charging within walking distance of where we’re staying.

Is cold weather driving different than summer driving? Is there anything about winter driving you’d like to share?
To be honest, I’m not quite sure yet. Keeping it plugged in overnight allows the batteries and cabin to be conditioned so that I’m ready to go in the morning, without drawing on the battery. And I do not have a garage, so the truck sits out. 

Disregarding upfront costs, has your cost of ownership been what you had expected? Are you saving money?
Costs are what I expected. It is an expensive, yet very nice vehicle. It is not the Platinum trim package, but still a fancy truck for this guy. This is the first new vehicle I’ve ever owned. I certainly spend a lot less on fuel. I was spending about $500/month on gas, now I’m spending about $100 on electricity. I have solar at home and was producing more than I used, so I’m able to use that up now, no problem.

As you see it, what are the biggest limitations of driving an EV? On the flip side, what’s been the biggest plus?
The only limitations I see are having to make longer stops to refuel and potentially having to take a slightly different route based on charger availability. But these factors are improving every day as new charging stations come online. A plus is that the truck is always charged and ready to go first thing in the morning, and I can do that at home using fuel from my solar panels.

Have you used public charging? If so, what has that experience been like?
Yes. Sometimes it’s quick, easy, and free. Sometimes it’s slow, frustratingly complicated (I use maybe 6 different apps?), sometimes chargers don’t work, and public charging can be expensive. 

Given what you know now, are you glad you made the transition to an EV?
Definitely. It is not for everyone, at least not yet. It comes with a set of challenges that I was prepared for and am good with.  

WED Welcomes New Director

On April 2, 2024 the Winneshiek Energy District welcomed Kristin Eggen as the second executive director of the Winneshiek Energy District. 

Eggen first came to the Winneshiek Energy District as a Green Iowa AmeriCorps volunteer in 2015. A native of Appleton, Wisconsin, Kristin studied nonprofit management at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. After graduating she promptly moved to the driftless to be near the bluffs, rivers, and extended family. You might recognize her from her recent work with the Decorah Farmers Market and Seed Savers Exchange. With a decade of experience in nonprofit communication and fundraising under her belt, she is thrilled to lead the grassroots clean energy movement in Winneshiek county, Iowa.

“Rural communities have so much to gain through increased energy efficiency and renewable energy,” says Eggen. “I am excited to help Winneshiek county residents get started on -or continue- their clean energy journey through our programs at the Winneshiek Energy District.”

Join us in welcoming Kristin or share your thoughts on clean local energy. Contact her at kristin@energydistrict.org.

Inflation Reduction Act Fact Sheet

Clean Energy Districts of Iowa IRA program factsheets. Click each thumbnail.   Other links and resources we think you might find valuable: ACEEE IRA Home Energy Upgrade Incentives IRS list of vehicles that may qualify for the 2023 Clean Vehicles $7,500 tax credit Rewiring America Inflation Reduction Act Fact Sheets

Electric Vehicle Charging in Winneshiek County

Publicly available electric vehicle charging has greatly improved in Winneshiek County and northeast Iowa. Within Decorah city limits, there are now sixteen level 2 chargers available for public use and two direct current fast chargers at Decorah Chevrolet. County- and region-wide, the situation has improved, too, with public chargers available in Calmar, Cresco, West Union, Lansing, and others. 

Level 2 chargers can recharge an EV in 3-8 hours depending on vehicle and charger speed, and are best suited for situations where people park their cars for extended periods of time, like workplaces, downtown areas, hotels, and locations catering to travelers. Level 3 fast chargers can fill an EV in as short as 20-30 minutes and are best positioned to support regional pass-through travel.

The transition to electric vehicles locally and regionally is still in its infancy, and it’s perhaps important to acknowledge the realities, and resulting benefits, of publicly available EV charging for this phase of the transition. First and foremost, a vast majority of those who have already made the transition to EVs or are currently contemplating doing so, have access to low-cost electricity in their garages and aren’t necessarily going to need public or workplace charging. In addition, EV ranges have grown by leaps and bounds over just the past few years. In 2023, the median range of available EV models was 270 miles, roughly on par or slightly below the gas-equivalent automobiles.

As a result, the need for workplace and publicly available charging for those living locally is perhaps less acute than it was several years ago when EVs were in their technological infancy. At the same time, when low-cost EV options become more widely available, the need for publicly available charging options for renters, condo owners, and generally those without access to home charging will grow.

Taken together, we believe Decorah and Winneshiek County are well-positioned to support the current phase of EV adoption. Below is a list of chargers available for public use in Winneshiek County along with the cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh). For reference, most EVs achieve 2.5 – 4 miles of range per kWh of charge, and an EV with a range of 270 miles has a 60-80 kW battery.


Location Charge speed per hour Cost per kWh
Decorah Chevrolet, 2 chargers 180 kW $0.49
Weis GMC Decorah, level 3 coming soon coming soon
State Street across from Fareway, 2 chargers 10.4 kW $0.31
Downtown Decorah at Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce 21.6 kW $0.31
Downtown Decorah behind Oneota Coop, 4 chargers 7.2 kW $0.31
Winneshiek Medical Center, 2 chargers 6.6 kW $.30
Sunflower Child Development Center coming soon coming soon
Preus Library, Luther College, 2 chargers 6.6 kW $0.23
Luther College Regents Center, 2 chargers 5 kW $0.23
Downtown Calmar 17 kW $0.29
NICC Calmar Campus 7 kW $0.29


Pending Electric Rate Shocks: Make Your Voice Heard

Jim Martin-Schramm

Last fall, Alliant Energy sent a notice to customers about its application to the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) to increase rates.  

For many, Alliant’s notice might have been missed or swept into the recycling bin without much thought.  Not at Luther College.  Luther’s Director of Facilities Services immediately set about figuring out how Alliant’s rate increase would impact the college.  He was stunned.

Luther College is facing a 48.2% increase in its Alliant Energy bill if the IUB approves the company’s proposed electric rate increase as proposed.

“You can imagine my dismay when our Director of Facilities Services informed me that Alliant’s proposed electric rate increase would not increase our bill by 20%, as the company estimates in their customer notice, but rather by 36% under Phase I ($371,464) and an additional $85,700 after Phase II. The total increase is calculated to be $457,200 or 48.2% increase over our 2022-23 invoice totals,” said President Jenifer K. Ward in comments she sent to the Iowa Utilities Board on February 13, 2024.

President Ward goes on to say: “It feels like we are being punished for our investments in efficiency and renewables. We certainly are not being rewarded for reducing our demand on the grid and the production of energy during many of the peak hours of the day. . . . In my view, Alliant’s proposed increase is punitive and unjust. It will have a severe negative impact on Luther College, and the significant proposed increases for residential customers (13.4%)  and small businesses (20%) are going to harm Luther’s employees and Decorah’s vital downtown businesses.”

One of those downtown businesses is the award-winning restaurant, Rubaiyat.  An analysis performed by the Clean Energy Districts of Iowa (CEDI) has revealed that the restaurant is facing a 38% increase in its electricity bill, which is almost twice the 20% average increase Alliant has told businesses that they will experience.

“I’m just sick about the potential of that big of an increase. . .  I feel so helpless and frustrated,” said Rubaiyat’s co-owner, Kim Carlson-Bonnet.

Other analyses performed by CEDI for local businesses and institutions in the area indicate that some customers will likely have larger increases than the average 20% increase the company has projected. The same will likely be true for residential customers.

One of the things driving Alliant’s increased costs is the cost of electricity in the summer.  For residential customers, it is scheduled to increase 57.4% from 11.685 cents/kWh in 2023 to 18.408 cents/kWh once the rate increase has been fully phased in. This will significantly increase the energy burden for households living paycheck to paycheck and for those in large homes and/or those with inefficient air conditioning systems. 

For businesses taking service under Alliant’s non-residential general service tariff, electricity will increase 87% from 11.916 cents/kWh to 22.295 cents/kWh.  Some businesses will see their summer electricity bills more than double.

These increased costs will be significantly exacerbated by Alliant’s proposal to eliminate declining cost block pricing for residential and commercial customers.  The cost increase will be mitigated slightly by Alliant’s decision to limit summer rates to June, July, and August, which is one month less than is currently the case.

Alliant’s proposal to raise electric rates is its third in seven years, and the largest in its history.  Alliant’s residential rates are almost the highest in the State of Iowa and third highest in the Midwest among investor-owned utilities of similar size.

If you are concerned about how this rate increase could affect your home or business, make your voice heard.  The Iowa Utilities Board encourages all citizens and ratepayers to voice their perspectives to the Board by submitting comments by email to customer@iub.iowa.gov or by mail to Iowa Utilities Board, 1375 E. Court Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50319-0069.  All communication should reference Docket RPU-2023-0002 in the subject line of the email or letter.

The Clean Energy Districts of Iowa is an official intervenor in the Alliant electric rate case as the CEDI Coalition, which currently consists of 47 communities who oppose the magnitude of Alliant’s proposed rate increase.  To date, 83 communities have filed with the IUB a resolution drafted by CEDI opposing the rate increase. The City of Decorah was the first to sign the resolution and to join the CEDI Coalition.

I urge you to make your voice heard at the Iowa Utilities Board.  The first round of testimony is due on April 16 and the legal hearing will take place at the IUB July 9-12.  The Board will likely issue its final decision and order shortly thereafter.  


Jim Martin-Schramm is on the Board of the Winneshiek Energy District.  He also serves as a Policy Analyst for the Clean Energy Districts of Iowa and as the manager of the CEDI Coalition.

Decorah Family Saves by Installing Heat Pump Water Heater

Decorah’s Kim and Mary Glock recently upgraded their 50-gallon electric resistance water heater to an electric hybrid heat pump water heater, resulting in energy savings of about $650 annually. Follow along as we outline their journey.

The Glock’s new 50-gallon AO Smith hybrid heat pump water, installed for $3,400 before incentives

Water heating accounts for nearly 18% of energy use within the typical home, second only to space heating. The cost of heating all that water varies greatly depending on the type of fuel used. For example, the annual operating cost of a natural gas water heater is about $240, whereas an electric water heater costs about $650 a year. Having been in dozens, if not hundreds of area basements, I can tell you there are a lot of electric water heaters out there. Unfortunately, many new houses are still being built with electric resistance versions because the equipment is less expensive to install but they are far and away more expensive to operate.

Enter the hybrid heat pump water heater. Heat pump water heaters utilize an air source heat pump paired with a conventional electric resistance element for when the heat pump can’t meet demand. Physically, a heat pump version is not any different than a regular water heater, except that compared to some “lowboy” and short versions, they’re a bit taller.  In addition, they require condensate management because, as the heat pump operates, it produces condensate that must be gravity-drained or transferred with a condensate pump. Compared to a traditional electric water heater, however, they’re about 300% efficient, or in other words, use about 1/3 of the electricity.

RMI recently released a state-by-state analysis of the lifetime emissions of heat pumps for both space and water heating. They estimate that installing a heat pump water heater yields total lifetime emissions reductions of 75% compared to a gas version.

In my conversations with Kim and Mary Glock in preparation for this piece, they reiterated over and over the operational savings. According to Kim, “We’ve tried to do what we think is right…by replacing lighting with LEDs and appliances with Energy Star versions. But to be entirely honest, in doing those things we’ve really never noticed any electric bill savings, except for the water heater. We installed it, and by the next month our household kWh usage was cut in half.” Granted, savings probably aren’t that dramatic for most families, but for a household of two that is otherwise frugal, the savings can be dramatic.

Nevertheless, there are a few drawbacks to consider. First, since the tank and heat pump are contained in the same unit, it needs to be placed in a space volumetrically large enough to draw heat. The specifications vary by manufacturer but, generally speaking, the room the water heater sits in should be larger than a broom closet, and ideally in the same space as a furnace or boiler. Rheem recommends a space no less than 7’x10’x10’ in dimensions, but other manufacturers have requirements that are about half that. If those space constraints can’t be met, and all that’s available is a tiny water heater closet, consider adding a closet door with air louver vents.

Secondly, since heat pump water heaters heat water by utilizing energy contained within the indoor ambient air, they shouldn’t be installed in fully unconditioned (cold) basements. Minimum ambient operating temperature cutouts for the heat pump vary by manufacturer, but generally the heat pump will stop working if the air around it drops below 37-40°F. So, if you’re like me with a cold and poorly insulated basement, or currently have your water heater in the garage, a heat pump version might not be for you. If temperatures drop below the manufacturer-specified heat pump cutout, the water heater will continue to function, but only with the integrated electric resistance element, resulting in operational efficiencies on par with a conventional electric water heater.

Given available rebates and tax incentives, heat pump water heaters can make a lot of sense. Generally speaking, if switching from an existing electric water heater to a heat pump version, you might expect to spend $3,500 on a replacement. If you’re switching from natural gas, expect to spend $3,500 plus the additional cost of running a 30A-240V power supply, which likely increases the total installed cost to around $4,000. Factoring in available incentives, a heat pump hot water heater costs on par or slightly less than the gas alternative, and that’s even before factoring in energy savings over time.

The new 25C Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit allows homeowners to deduct 30% of project costs up to $2,000 for the installation of heat pumps for space and water heating. Local utility rebates vary, but generally are available from $225 to $300 per unit. And beginning late this year or early next year, the federal Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate, as part of the two-year-old Inflation Reduction Act, will potentially provide up to $1,750 off the installed cost. With the new rebate program, many households will be able to switch to heat pump versions at little or no cost.

Below is an example analysis of installing a heat pump water heater, not accounting for the soon-to-be IRA rebate, which might sweeten the pot by an additional $1,750.

The City of Decorah’s Partnership with CEDI Receives a Major Federal Grant

On October 12, 2023, the Department of Energy announced that the City of Decorah, in partnership with the Clean Energy Districts of Iowa, has been awarded $1.1 million in funding from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Competitive Program. 

The EECBG Program is designed to assist states, local governments, and Tribes in implementing strategies to reduce energy use, to reduce fossil fuel emissions, and to improve energy efficiency.  

There are three facets to the EECBG program.  Cities and counties with populations over 50,000 receive automatic allocations via a Formula Grant program.  Cities and counties with populations under 50,000 can apply for EECBG funding through their State Energy Office.  In addition, there is a national Competitive Program for EECBG funding.

The City of Decorah was one of only twelve communities around the nation that were chosen to receive funding from this national funding opportunity.


As the Prime Applicant, the City of Decorah will work in close partnership with the Clean Energy Districts of Iowa (CEDI), which will manage the project and provide technical assistance to help local governments and school districts benefit from the clean energy transition and to reduce energy burdens in low-income households in several counties in Northeast Iowa and Southwest Wisconsin. 

The project area features eight rural counties with clean energy districts where neither the county nor the incorporated cities are eligible for EECBG formula grants. The list includes Vernon County in Wisconsin, which includes Ho-Chunk Nation land, and seven counties in Iowa: Allamakee, Winneshiek, Howard, Clayton, Delaware, Jackson, and Tama County, which includes land owned by the Meskwaki Tribe.  The relevant counties are highlighted in green on the map below:

EECBG funding will be used to hire two energy planners and an engineer to provide vital technical assistance to municipalities, school districts, and low-income households throughout the project area so that they can make cost-effective investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy. 

In August 2023, CEDI surveyed 228 mayors, city clerks, city managers, school district superintendents, and other key leaders in the eight-county project area.  The responses revealed that 95% are interested in receiving assistance via the EECBG funding.

Due to the recent passage of the Building and Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), there is currently an unprecedented amount of funding available at the federal and state levels for investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Unfortunately, few people know how to access these funds and how best to utilize them.  

EECBG funding will be used to identify cost-effective investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy and to help project participants identify and utilize various financial resources to make these investments. These resources include:

  • Federal tax credits, including the use of the elective payment option for non-profits, as well as relevant bonus “adders” for solar projects in low-income, tribal, and/or energy communities.
  • Third-party power purchase agreements, which tap the federal tax credits but also utilize other tax benefits available to for-profit entities such as accelerated depreciation.  Municipal governments and other non-taxable entities that sign these agreements no longer have to address the financing obstacle and typically enjoy substantial energy cost savings. These agreements are legal in Iowa but not yet in Wisconsin. Several municipal governments, school districts, and other non-taxable entities have already utilized this option–mostly in and near Winneshiek County (IA). 
  • Rebates provided by the Home Energy Performance-Based, Whole-House Rebates (HOMES) program and the High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate (HEEHR) program administered by the State Energy Offices in Iowa and Wisconsin.
  • USDA programs such as the Rural Energy for America Program Energy Audit & Renewable Energy Development Assistance Grants as well as the Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants.
  • Services and equipment incentives provided by the energy efficiency programs offered by area utilities.
  • Additional financial resources that may be available through regional housing trust funds and community foundations.

The City of Decorah and CEDI are currently in a 60-day grant award negotiation period with the EECBG Program since the original grant proposed using $1.56 million in EECBG funding over three years but the program could only provide $1.1 million.  As a result, it is likely that the funding will be spread over 28 months rather than 36 months.  We expect the program to commence in January 2024.

CEDI will soon provide more information about how communities in Iowa can apply for EECBG funding from Iowa’s State Energy Office.

This is the second major award to the City of Decorah by the EECBG program.  In 2010, the program provided the city with $880,000–over half of which was used by the Winneshiek Energy District to provide energy planning services to the residents of Winneshiek County and to develop the replicability of the energy district model.  

Today there are twelve legally incorporated energy districts located in Allamakee, Cerro Gordo, Clayton, Delaware, Dubuque, Howard, Jackson, Johnson, Linn, Muscatine, Polk, and Winneshiek County.  Additional counties are in the planning stages.  

Contact CEDI’s Policy Analyst, Jim Martin-Schramm, for more information.

Decorah Family Cuts the Gas Line and Goes All Electric

Guest Story by Laura Peterson

Earlier this month our energy utility came to shut off our natural gas connection. Usually, having your gas service cut off means either you’re moving to a new house or you’re way behind on your bills. But in our case, it’s because we’ve eliminated all gas appliances in our home. Over the last few years, we’ve undergone a transition to an all-electric household. Here is how it worked in our home, in the hopes that you might find something useful here if you’re considering electrification in your own.

We live in a 1950’s ranch home of about 1350 square feet, with additional area in our partially finished basement. The first steps we took after moving in were to add attic insulation and to do basic air sealing around doors, windows, and the basement rim joist. In conjunction with air sealing, we also installed an air exchanger to manage moisture in the house. 

A few years later, we were able to install solar panels on our roof. We followed the advice of our electrician to upgrade our electrical service to a 200 amp panel at the same time, in anticipation of increasing our electric load for heating and eventually electric vehicles. 

Next we looked at household heating. Our house was previously heated by a gas furnace with forced hot air. We also had a central air conditioning unit. Both our furnace and air conditioner dated to the early 1990’s, and since heat pumps can both heat and cool, one advantage of a heat pump was that we could replace our furnace and air conditioner with a single appliance. We also knew we wanted to stop burning fossil fuels in our home. This also led us to favor an all-electric heat pump over another gas furnace or a dual natural gas-heat pump system.

We consulted with the Energy District to get estimates of our household heating demand that would help us know how to select and size our system. In late 2021 we had our gas furnace and air conditioner removed, and installed a ducted, 3 ton heat pump system in their place. The outdoor unit looks similar to an air conditioner, and the indoor air handler, installed in our basement, fit directly into existing duct work.

After this, the only remaining gas appliance in our house was our water heater. This meant that the vast majority of our monthly gas bill was the connection fee, so it made a lot of sense for us to take the final step to fully electrify our household. The ability to take advantage of a federal tax credit (30% of the project) through the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as a $300 utility rebate, made the cost of a new heat pump water heater comparable to a gas-fired water heater. So, this fall we removed our gas-fired water heater and replaced it with a heat pump water heater, eliminating our natural gas usage entirely. 


Does the heat pump provide enough heat on its own in cold weather?

Yes. Our heat pump is rated to -13°F. Though it runs less efficiently at such cold temperatures, it can still meet our heating demand. It also has a built-in back-up system (electric resistance heating coils) for even colder temperatures. We do burn wood in a small woodstove for supplemental heat, but we know from the experience of being out of town during a run of very cold days last winter that the heat pump can do the job on its own even if we’re not at home to feed the woodstove.

What is the living experience like?

For the most part, our electric appliances are as invisible to us on a daily basis as their gas counterparts were before. Hearing the heat pump outside our kitchen window in the winter is similar to hearing an outdoor A/C unit in the summer, and neither the air source heat pump or the heat pump hot water heater are noticeably louder than our other appliances. The heat pump is actually considerably quieter than our old A/C unit except in very cold temperatures.

One change we’ve made during the winter is to use a smaller thermostat setback at night. We do this keep the heating demand steady rather than demanding the most heat during the coldest part of the day, since unlike a gas furnace, the efficiency of the heat pump changes as the outdoor temperature changes.

We do notice a drop in temperature in our basement laundry room, where our heat pump water heater is installed, since the heat pump is essentially transferring heat from the surrounding air to create the hot water. The temperature drop is not extreme, however, and in the summer months, the same effect will provide additional cooling.

How did our utility bills change?

Determining how electrification has changed our utility bills is complicated by the fact that we also installed solar panels shortly before we had the heat pump installed. But we have gotten some sense of the difference by looking at our electric usage directly. 

With the installation of the heat pump, our annual electric usage went up by around 20%, or the equivalent of around $200/year. A good portion of our increased electricity use during the winter was offset by much lower electricity use during the summer, since the new heat pump is much more efficient than the old air-conditioning unit it replaced (with the new system, our summertime electric usage was reduced by close to 50%). 

The Energy Guide estimate for our heat pump hot water heater is that our hot water will cost roughly $120/year. This is far lower than what we had been paying (around $400/year) for hot water and our gas connection. 

All told, if we didn’t have solar panels, it looks like our electric bills after full electrification would be similar to and perhaps slightly lower than before. Even though electricity tends to be more expensive than gas, the savings we get from disconnecting our gas line entirely, and from the high efficiency of heat pump appliances, seem to compensate for our greater electricity use.

Are the carbon dioxide emissions from our increased electricity use lower than our previous CO2 emissions from natural gas burning?

Yes. Even though there are carbon dioxide emissions associated with the coal and natural gas that are burned to produce a portion of the electricity we use, the switch from gas to heat pumps in isolation would bring our CO2 emissions down by about 30% if we were purchasing all of our electricity. With the combination of electrification and rooftop solar, we’ve reduced our household carbon footprint by a total of about 80%. 

The exciting part is that now that we have all-electric infrastructure in our household, our carbon footprint will continue to decrease as the electric grid itself greens. According to the website of Alliant Energy, our electric provider, the company currently ‘aspires’ to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. But with an increasing number of utilities across the country setting 2030 as a target date for net-zero systems, perhaps the day is not too far off when our all-electric house will also be carbon neutral.

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